Thursday, November 30, 2006

Funny Wedding Ceremony Readings

No to politics instead of building a project for the city is reduced to gossip and unorthodox practices to the detriment of competitors


Despite the Union's most important political parties have not yet
clear what will be their candidate for mayor, the climate in which we are approaching
as at 11 December, is dense of clouds, often apparently
charges also poisons.

assist appalled, unfortunately, in a game set in the slaughter act
by certain environments tended to discredit
and sometimes even to slander the other competitors in the primaries, made of
malignant rumors, gossip and last but not least, it seems to polls
"invented and built for art."

Yesterday the newspaper "Taranto Sera", the Hon. Vico, to whom I recognized
great credit for intellectual honesty demonstrated
has used those very words to describe a survey that appeared in the Corriere del
Day, conducted by the SWG and
attribute to the Democrats of the Left. Today, the provincial secretary of the Oak, Enzo
Giannico, while not questioning the seriousness of the Corriere del
Day (which also publishes
the cover bearing the words "Democrats in the left pre-election survey in the town of Taranto
second part, 10/27/2006"), what we do well we
claims to know nothing of this poll.

We find ourselves faced with a false material:
someone on behalf of the DS, has come to a local newspaper poll
completely invented. We do not care to know who did it but we can not
that stigmatize these behaviors that fall into this climate
to discredit someone on purpose is creating and
that our mayoral candidate Gianni Liviano
is obviously a main objective to be hit, as his name,
the first to have advanced his candidacy, does not appear at all in

not the thing, true or false to the survey,
interests us very much. Rather we are saddened by this way of conceiving politics
that, instead of being seen as a shared instrument
to build a better future comes down to sleazy gossip
and unorthodox practices.

Instead, we want, as he himself has repeatedly stressed that
our candidate for mayor is like a tailor, able to cut
distances between politics and people and cultures in sewing
noble attempt to build a mediation point to create a bond of trust with
citizens, based on legality.

Despite the polls, true or false, we have started our journey
made of meetings with citizens, for some time. On this day we move
Director with the ambitious goal of
able to gather enough votes to win the primaries.
We are aware that it is a difficult challenge to overcome but also
believe that people can no longer be influenced by the decisions of
secretariats of the parties and powers that be.

TARANTO, 30.11.2006
Press office of "The city we want,"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Book?

Liviano: We will win the primaries and govern the city

"Ours is a clear proposal. We have avoided to wait for long periods of policy and we aim with force and coherence as a group of people who want to govern the city. We plan to do so by winning the primaries. "

So Hans Liviano - during a press conference Saturday morning to explain the next steps of his association - has made clear its intentions with respect to the future of political and administrative life of Taranto.

And, speaking of leading, he added that if there are, the experience of "The City that we will continue not to do and witness." It 's an idea that may arise and for which we are ready to commit. Meanwhile, we were the first to say clearly what we are putting together people with different cultures, locations, political experiences, different. The tactics and the aggravation of self we are seeing do not seem aimed at the need for change. Instead, we're trying to put together all the associations, because who is candidate for governor can not ignore the social and economic dimensions of the city. Without our proposal is unlikely that the center would have assumed the primary. We say this not to boast but to affirm the reality of things. "

Looking to the economic future of the city, Liviano concerned. Ilva - he said - is certainly an asset to the area but can not be for the next ten years the only opportunities for development. At several serious for the local economy is certainly represented by the expansion of the port to realize that he still wants a new president immediately. "Unfortunately, despite a city that mourns, in which many do not even know what to eat, we still think in terms of balance and divided among the parties. All this reflects the logic of the proper management of the common good but rather is mere self- and sharing of the charges ".

Our placement policy - continued Liviano - remains, despite some misunderstandings in the center, because this is the our culture. "The parties say that these are important and that their function is to be understood not as an end but as a tool. We are tired to continue to receive blows, as if we were schoolboys who have everything to learn, every time we say honestly what you think, leaving from the rites of the liturgy so out of politics. "
say no - he continued - the balance of the game to anyone who brings or agreements fake. The change in coalition at the helm of the city is essential but not sufficient. E 'need to change the culture of those who govern. We are bored to see how someone, but to safeguard the position of assessor, slowing its availability. "Let it be clear that these posts over
us do not go. "

Speaking of his program and how to draft, Liviano said it would reverse course so far followed:" enough with the culture of the delegation, which makes people uninformed citizens and forth across a phenomenon participation that makes people protagonist. "This is the background to the initiative, already underway, the" neighborhood workshops "which served to listen to the people. Now is the time with the" Forum of skills "to open the building of a city project that we shared and participated. "I - he concluded - I want to be an instrument of stitching all instances."

to illustrate the "Forum of powers" is Professor Vittorio Nicolardi operative who began by saying that the program will be considered as an overall project, which is concentrated in a few key points (also because the financial resources will be limited because of instability), leading in the medium term to achieve a rebirth is not only economic but also cultural center. In fact, if we care only for immediate needs - stated - we lose sight of the future projects. The ILVA example, if we look at what will be the evolution of the globalization process, may in the future very difficult to maintain current production levels. The city must then find new horizons for its development. Among them - argued Professor Nicolardi - are certainly ways of the sea and the port. The latter may, however, be mutilated by the construction of the regasification terminal, a problem that in addition to those of a purely environmental. If carried out in identified, the LNG terminal could turn into a bulkhead that prevents the port to develop and grow in the direction of the Multipurpose Pier. These are choices that can permanently affect the economic development of this city, according to Professor Nicolardi, serious planning is needed. The Forum - concluded - will be used to prepare a draft program that will be the result of listening to citizens and those with expertise in specific areas. The project subsequently become more complex with the help of a number of professionals active in all fields that identify the priorities to be followed to ensure a new development to the city. Finally spoke

John Guarino, who illustrated a number of new government initiatives that the association will carry out during December and January. These are fun activities, entertainment and theater. "This is because we - he said - express a joyful way of doing politics." The first of these will be a great game of goose called "The City of Gulf Felice, all focused on environmental issues, to be held December 2 in Piazza Maria Immacolata, and that To denounce the violent occupation of industrialization in the area. Subsequently, on December 17, will be proposed initiative animation toddlers called "The City of Children" and, on January 19, Piazza della Vittoria, a play focusing on the theme of ethical values. Guarino of the latter initiative has sought to clarify the meaning: "All are good to accept the different but this does not necessarily guarantee an award."

Taranto, 26.11.2006

The City Press who want

Monday, November 20, 2006

Optical-migraine: Progressive


A city where you can breathe clean air with Ilva, a city where our young people can find a job and begin a family, a city where one can quietly grow old and be cared for, a city on a human scale with the respect and respect for all. To think of a city and to govern its future is advisable to listen, learning to hear his voice, his thoughts, his needs and his dreams to be fulfilled, giving balance to concepts such as work, economy, development, environment and social development.
To achieve this you need to read the existing city with its strengths and its weaknesses to build on, in a shared, the city that people want to identify measures and means to achieve it. There are
many things that you do not have the courage to change, there are many things you think but do not say that because "nobody cares". There are many things you want but do not try to take it "so you do not get." So, day after day, we are content and satisfied the other. But others have nothing to do, it's just not our responsibility to say, do not get until the paralysis and the refusal of the action. We need people who want to give up and have so much indifference to the common good heart who are willing to live in freedom as a service and want to discuss not only the head but also with the heart. The political action guided by the referential, that subtracting content with few to many has reached its lowest point with the financial difficulties at the door. For the difficult years that our city will face more than ever need the full participation of people in all its various social forms that can embrace this political project, because not enough just to join a project, but it is necessary that this be discussed democratically, as amended in accordance with the best ideas and eventually be shared by all.
To provide concrete answers to social, economic and living conditions demand that the city feels special needs and need: a policy imposed
dialogue and relationship between the ruler and the people
A policy of supporting economic activities that are able to respect the environment and the people real and constant
A policy geared to the needs expressed by social
a policy that would allow the city and all its people to be masters of the future
a policy that accepts the planning, monitoring and control of all administrative and accounting
A policy of absolute discontinuity in the methods, content and names of power compared to groups that have (mis) ruled the city in recent years regardless of their current placement policy.
To make a policy conceived in this way is necessary :
Return to the institutions the role of places of service and efficiency, freeing themselves from corruption, from the logic of patronage and privileges by the injustices and inequalities
Fighting to protect vulnerable people by providing suitable tools for participation that are able to give them a voice Combining the right
in political practice civic passion, fairness, professionalism and creativity, while holding the centrality of the moral issue
ongoing processes aimed at realizing an idea of \u200b\u200bthe renewed policy which recover its highest value: participation.
why we want to achieve an open path to the comparison of all those who, in a
consistent with the values \u200b\u200band the method chosen, will take place alongside.
why we are committed to being consistent with our location within the Centre Left coalition
, hoping for a democratic participation in the "primary". So I ask
Gianni Liviano to be our candidate for mayor.

Recipe: Sugar Cookies Wesson Oil

But is it true that Taranto is completely resigned? GIANNI Liviano

Date: 17-Nov-2006 17:09
Subject: CONCERN

"Life Live" on RAIUNO, "Scratching" on Telenorba and some other articles published by major newspapers, I do worry about the messages that are passed, as to the Taranto. Taranto is a city in the knee, with people totally unabashed resigned or otherwise.

today on Corriere del Mezzogiorno, the last item. Did you read it? A visit to the jewelry Ripa, the protests without pay, a few figures on the failure, two applications to the principal Anzoino throwing a little dig at the Committee of 18 October and that gives him even to the Left that is never good and now the opposition does not guide any kind of protest (with an arrow even at Ezio Stefàno ...).
And finally, what seems to emerge is still resignation and arrogance. Indeed, the few who "react" are those that "... take a pen and paper and write to local newspapers ..." That's it?

Again no mention of the project The city we want, or chess, the fact that there is a Committee against the LNG terminal. In short, these news reports coming out of the city limits, it seems that no one is ready Taranto to fans to change.

will also be true that our experiences are a minority, but maybe if some arrogant or resigned tarantino law or see on TV that there is only Taranto arrogance and resignation, autoconvincerà you even more now that there's nothing more to do. Or not? And if he saw more

Gianni Liviano often face and the other association, banquets or thematic forums or workshops neighborhood, not only on the Day Courier, but also tested on some more important, it would be more encouraged to participate, or simply to support ?

What do you say? The project
The city we want, and its initiatives were also presented to the heads and the TV show "more comprehensive", or only for strictly local newspapers and television? But it is true that

Ballarò Annozero and are preparing dossier on the affair and services Taranto? We are able to "sneak"? Gianni not to show viewers the Roman or Milanese but to see and hear from Gianni Tarentines through RAI. Perhaps because, compared with Polyphemus, the most effect ... would not know ...

Meanwhile, I greet with affection.

Nicola Pavia

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Baltimore Cruise Spots


"More than an act of dignity - the assumption of political responsibility for what happened
to the city of Taranto by the former mayor,
Rossana Di Bello, I feel a duty. The least you could expect from
who ruled the city, with a handful balance
for six years. I find the will and not random late former Prime
citizen to break the silence on the very day on which the cameras
the show "Live Life" talking about the
disruption to the town of Taranto and showed that they were frustrated the attempts to trace the
Lady Di Bello. A smart move
really like the choice to meet with journalists in a closed
television studio rather than in a public place.

The former mayor has responsibility but also moral.
his re-election, almost unanimous, was also the result of a campaign conducted with methods
patronage. All this,
without a doubt, has resulted in ill repute: see for example the story of
Cimino Park. Add

, without wanting to give this responsibility to
criminal law, that one wonders how it is possible - as
found a local newspaper - many of the projects undertaken by his
junta are now being investigated by the judiciary.

While the mayor is not a policeman is also true that he is
representative of all citizens. You can not abdicate the role of
controllers, especially when it comes to the fate of a
community. And do not claim to know what was happening to
City Palace is in some ways even more serious as well as not credible.
Moreover, the former Mayor could count not only on
Director-General on a wide plethora of officials and councilors. O between these
there was someone who acted behind his back? A doubt that this
Di Bello reveals without providing any explanation.

Di Bello has also explained why many of the debts accumulated
although one is anxious to remind the recovery plan that objectively
had little chance of success because it
based, as said Commissioner Thomas writes about Blonda
unreliable accounting.

then states that the compensation given to staffisti
or the Director-General does not have precipitated the situation is questionable.
Maybe not in financial terms but certainly on the ethical and
morale. Given the results, the citizens would do willingly
less expensive supply of these influential professionals

And this is the biggest disruption that has occurred to heal the
which will take much longer than indicated to overcome the
financial crash. The distrust of citizens against those who
assumes the burden of administering public affairs.

must therefore change direction. Anyone who is a candidate to govern this city
must clearly indicate that they wish to make a path
a total break with certain past practices. But not only.
should also be indicated, now that is clear to everyone what is happened,
a serious project for the future of the city, not stopping to
means by which to effect the reorganization, but also
outlining what kind of development you want to promote.

Taranto, 26.10.2006

Does Venison Have Cholesterol

Laboratory Neighborhood - Italy Montegranaro

closed with a positive third quarter
Laboratories, an initiative of listening and dialogue with the citizens of
Taranto, designed and promoted by the City that we want
and its candidate for mayor Gianni Liviano.

This time, after the experience usually Corvisea Lama and the Laboratory of
district took office in Italy Montegranaro. Three main problems
emerged from the comparison with the inhabitants of the area: the
Market Via Lucania, vehicular traffic, and green.

In particular, some people have pointed out the inadequacy
from a logistical standpoint, the structure of that market place, according to
many, should be transferred elsewhere,
goal for which you are committing a spontaneous committee of citizens. For
terms of traffic many have complained about the situation of street
Gold Medals pipes where the highest daily number of vehicles
to the city center. The presence of different
schools and the habit to leave your car double parked
to accompany children at school during peak hours, makes
the environment - have complained of citizens - particularly chaotic.
With regard to the green, there were few inhabitants of the district
who denounced the state of degradation, which makes it a
insecure and therefore of little usability, where the gardens
insist that between Via and Via Campania Gold Medals.

These topics were the focus of final debate that
as usual, closed the two days of the Laboratory of the neighborhood, and that
was held yesterday (Friday) evening at the Institute Pacinotti.

Gianni Liviano thanked the speakers for the sensitivity
shown that the problems highlighted by the reported
citizens are the result of mismanagement of the public good.
A management that has responded most to the interests of business friends who
not the real needs of citizens and which have also suffered
neighborhoods. Liviano has therefore agreed with
those citizens who have requested a new traffic plan and wish to see removed from
speculation insists the area where the old gasometer

Although the problems, large and small, that beset the city are many
- concluded Liviano - it is time to move from protest to that
phase of the proposal. Politics, going
perceived mainly as an investment, you should return the
dignity because the management of the common good. For this
urged citizens who have joined the Laboratory of
district to come forward and join in the project of "The city
we want." A city that - he said - can not help but
a new plan to replace the current
designed for a region with twice the number of inhabitants, a city that is more tailored
children and therefore more livable for adults, a city where the institution
City once again be a place of service and efficiency
, freeing themselves from the logic of patronage
and injustice.

Taranto, 18/11/2006 The City that we want

Monday, November 6, 2006

Multivitamins Shortness Of Breath

Draft Programme for the urban green-

Subject: technical proposals for the proper management of "Green

DRAFT ENVIRONMENT PLAN for the "City that we want"

Dr. Agr. Francesco Pasculli

Manager Urban Green and Environment PdCI Taranto

Sec. Cosimo Latanza


" The Green Map - Regulation of Green", "Office Environment", "Maintenance by the former. socially useful workers - ex. Servizi SpA Taranto"

The urban vegetation, in addition to the unequaled beauty, social and landscape, may have a role in maintain air quality through various mechanisms that can take value greater or lesser extent depending on environmental conditions and the characteristics of the populations.

may in particular:

  • absorb pollutants such as ozone and nitrogen oxides;

  • trap dust;

  • significantly reduce the high summer temperatures and consequently reduce ozone is known to increase during the summer;

  • reduce emissions of hydrocarbons from cars parked by shading parking.

In fact, since the first EU funding of the OP 94/99 Plurifondo a measure was dedicated precisely to the "noise and environmental clean-up of the Big City." POP Puglia 1994/1999, 2nd three-year period and Measurement Environment 7.3, 7.3.8 Submeasure "clean-up and noise pollution of big cities," Regional Resolution No. 3898 of 30.06.1997, Gazette No.95 of 28.08.1997, funds with which they are made (bad!) Virgil's famous gardens.

The "Green Map" is the basic work necessary to carry out any studies or intervention in the field of conservation, urban planning, design, maintenance of urban green spaces and environmental education.

It is hoped the establishment of a "Office Environment" to coordinate all actions on the environment (too many people are municipalities with skills on the green and the environment: Department of Government of the Territory, Government Heritage, Ecology and Environmental Health, Public Works ...), the "Green Map" enables planning of urban green areas in addition to the quantitative aspects taking into account the qualitative evaluated in a strictly scientific.

A rational model of urban development and today "PUG" , should be planned considering the item no longer as green for "fill " Non-residential areas, but as actual infrastructure fully integrated into the plan development itself.

Hence the need also to draw up a "Rules of Green involving both the private and public green areas and giving those basic guidelines for proper protection, preservation and planning of urban green spaces, in close collaboration with the Environmental Associations be considered as a value added and not as an obstacle to the development of the territory.

Suitable would be the use of "ex. LSU." in numbers proportional to the surface of green areas in the individual constituencies, possibly using resident labor in those same neighborhoods where it should operate.

the same motivation to the industry resulting in improved quality of service provided.


Key to the development of the territory appears to be a rational policy on waste, they are of urban origin, and animal (livestock, poultry etc ....) and plant (waste from fruit and vegetable crops, wine, olive and maintenance of urban green spaces).

In fact, it expanded the collection to the organic fraction (over 50% of the total waste from urban sources) generated by households and businesses (restaurants, pizzerias, farmers markets etc ....).

methods, methodologies and current legislation on waste, cause the government to find new ways of disposing of them, taking into account not only the potential social benefits (improved environment) but, more importantly, the economic advantages, for example, anaerobic digestion plant and / or platforms for the composting .

The installation of such facilities allow:

  • to solve the problems of disposal of waste that is produced in the urban agro-industrial

  • to produce and sell clean electricity (Anaerobic Digestion ) ;

  • produce Compost and sell (Platforms for composting) .

LARGE INDUSTRY - Act of Intesa

Proposals for a proper use of public resources available are:

  • complete redevelopment of the neighborhood green drums starting from the adoption of proper and scientific management of urban green spaces and the creation of a true "Urban Forest" understood not simply as a range of relation between the factory and the neighborhood, but as green infrastructure that can carry out the winding up action to filter dust and pollution, with possible action cascade entire city;

  • adoption of forms subsidized public financing for the supply to all residents of the neighborhood filter against noise, dust and pollution;

  • removal of pollution sources and energy costs the district itself through the implementation of projects "EcoCase" and processing of drums in "Solar Neighborhood".

And for a civil relationship between ILVA Taranto and citizens, as well as the highest commitment to collaboration with local organizations, it is desirable and at the expense of the company:

  • complete redevelopment of the cemetery (now in a state of degradation) and subsequent routine maintenance

  • retreat of the establishment of perimeter barriers and creating a buffer zone;

  • redevelopment of existing green hills and the entire area surrounding the industrial area.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Diaper Punishment Movies

Liviano Stefano

I had a nightmare.

I dreamed that Liviano and Ezio Gianni Stefano presented themselves in the primaries ended with the Union and cancel each other out.

I dreamed I won the third candidate of the Union, of which we still do not know your identity.

could be a friend of Di Bello (Pelillo), could be a former supporter of Di Bello, and a character who, candidate for mayor, it would lose its commitments to the electorate of the province (Florida) might be a DS any bureaucrat. Anyone who is not as Liviano and Stephen, both good candidates-Mayor, both good people who represent a real breakthrough compared to the last two decades of incompetent of caudillo, of criminals and irresponsible.

We can not take that risk. Find a solution, maybe you touch.

King Solomon is about to cut the baby in two-Taranto, who has more sense of responsibility will prevent the killing. Prevent Liviano between Stefano and win the old or current friends of Di Bello.

Michele De Benedetto