Friday, January 26, 2007

Connect Subwoofer To Laptop

Children's City The City


Organized by "The City that we want," will be held Saturday, January 27, 17.00, in Piazza Maria Immacolata in Taranto, "The city of children".
"It is - said Gianni Liviano, a mayoral candidate of the movement, un'inziativa designed for children so that Taranto is different and better for them. A child-friendly city, with spacious, green, and where services public for smaller users are efficient, is a better city for adults. "
During the evening will be proposed by the group communication, coordinated by John Guarino, a series of games and other entertainment time.
The initiative represents a further opportunity to meet with the citizens' candidate for mayor, Gianni Liviano, who will be in place for the duration of the evening.

Taranto, 25.01.2007
The city we want

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Difference Between Brazilian Hollywood Wax

we want turns into Political Movement

The Association "The city we want" turns into political movement and asks to join the Board of the Centre Left. This also to remove the theorem of Florida in the past argued that "the city that we want" does not have the qualifications to join the Union. These news in brief presented to the press association that the now ex for months has fallen field to propose a candidate for mayor Gianni Liviano.

Regarding the political manifesto of the movement, there are three - said the aspiring mayor - indicators of the path taken by "The city we want to" break with the past - ethics and design; competence - the path of listening to those who wish to contribute to the project, participation - collegiate choices.

Liviano He then focused on the situation in town and the gap between the needs of the area and the timing of the policy, which he said is "too self-referential." For these reasons, he added, "is essential to move from the culture delegated to the culture of participation ".

Other features announced by members of "The City that we want", who also thanked the parties who support the candidacy of Liviano, given the same Liviano resigned from the post of coordinator. And speaking of parties, in response to a question about how it will manage, if is elected, relations with the various political formations, Liviano said the parties are important, but is an instrument and not an end. A junta, according to the aspiring mayor, must work to competence and not belonging, therefore reiterated his opposition to the partition of dry seats among the various Secretaries party.

Asked about the latest moves of Florida, Liviano said instead that the way of doing politics of the President of the Province is very far from her, because values \u200b\u200band methods are different. "We - he added - we are far from what he called - the expectation of arrogance."

On the reasons why many people with different cultures and political paths to unite around the project of "The City that we want" focused on Dr. Cosimo god, according to which, this convergence was the result of a self that many do you have somehow abandoned the city itself. Nume He stressed that the association becomes a political movement, not the party, despite what future decisions will be taken in agreement with the parties.

In his speech, the president Ernesto Grassi, argued instead that Liviano is not only in our efforts, as, around him, there are people from different backgrounds (Catholic, secular, etc..) Who support and work with him in building a new project in the city. The maximum guarantee that "the city that want to" become like movements led by Giancarlo Cito and Rossana Di Bello, where the leaders did not give account to none of the choices made, is represented - he added fats - by the presence around Gianni Liviano of people who lived behind a certain thickness, ethical and professional, which is the same Liviano synthesis.

then spoke Giovanni Guarino who argued that Florida must stop being "anointed by the Lord" because he was elected to the Province as a representative of a different project to be undertaken by the Municipality, which is why the Mayor can not be another person.

Finally spoke Gabriel Pugliese, representing the Greens, who in addition to confirming the support of his political education in Liviano said to be tired of those who play the same pieces on chessboards different, why, it is time to "Restore honor to the city and citizens."

Taranto, 05/01/2007 The City that we want

Quotes From Movies Cigarrete

Thursday, 11/01/2007 Liviano meets the school and answer questions from listeners PrimaVeraRadio Popolare Network

Thursday, January 11, at 18:30 at the headquarters of "The City that we want" in Via Plinio 54 to Taranto, teachers and operators meet the school's candidate for mayor, Gianni Liviano.L 'initiative represents a first opportunity to reflect on issues of education and culture more generally that the association intends to initiate not only with employees in the sector but also with citizens to develop a program of city government that is widely shared. "The school, together with the University, - says Gianni Liviano - is certainly one of the pillars on which design and build the city we want. Taranto is that we educate young people. We share the passion today for tomorrow's Taranto, we are convinced that the school is an asset on which the city has to invest once again become more viable and competitive. Also Thursday, Jan. 11, at 1950, Gianni Liviano will be a guest in the studios of Primaveraradio People's Network, which broadcasts on 107.30 MHz, for the first episode of "The Barn", an autonomous space, during which answers questions from listeners. The number to dial to intervene directly and talk to Gianni is the Liviano 099.730.47.98
Taranto, 09.01.2006 - Press Office - The City that we want

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Red Checkered Tablecloth History Of



Forgive me if I allow you to write an open letter, who knows, perhaps never read. Forgive me if
while having no title and no role, although having never seen your faces and never heard your voices, I write as if among us there was an ancient relationship of familiarity.
I state now that I do not care what your cultural background, or what your party membership. Whatever we are sure of the ideals and values \u200b\u200bthat you believe and which, though a thousand miles away from mine, in any case deserve respect.
Instead, what matters to me is that you are of people, probably young people, of this city.
And to you as people, not because of party activists, I wish to speak.
I am sure that you, like me, like many, you have the big dream that Taranto is a city more 'beautiful,' rich, more 'right piu'solidale. You too, I am sure you want to build a better city, who cares about the fate of its inhabitants, that looks to its future with confidence, because that creates the conditions every young person can remain in Taranto without having to seek work and luck out. They are the same dreams that even friends who attended the section to which you have just put a bomb.
will definitely change the ideals of departure, and how they intend to solve the problems of the city. Do not change the goals. The goal, I am sure, is for you to build a better city.
So if this is the goal, why did you choose violence. What's the use? Who will profit? I am sure that you too, if you stop to think about it will understand that violence is the worst way to express your ideas. I am sure that there is already in your hearts the knowledge that there is the violence of the road to take. Mai children violence is the way to take in order to express their ideas.
While not having any title that is why this request, I'd be happy to meet you. Our ideas and our ideals are far away, but the choice of dialogue and confrontation must always prevail even when there is great diversity. Best wishes for your life because people can be free, honest, and why I invite you to operators of dialogue and peace.

GIANNI Liviano

6x10 Utility Trailer Plans

Ilva Taranto

The following is the excerpt sull'Ilva tract surgery preparation Eng. Biagio De Marzo (former manager Ilva, Terni, Falck) for the Forum on "Economics, LAND AND DEVELOPMENT "5 December 2006 - Public Library - organized by THE CITY 'I want."

"The inevitable future Ilva di Taranto.

The production structure and size" monster "of 'Ilva Taranto require rigorous reflection on its future, not present in the' Act of supplementary agreement of 23 October 2006, at least, permanently removes half of the argument of those who argue that the city, the territory and the country can do less Ilva and recognizes the economic and social importance and underlines the strategic importance for the entire national steel industry. No one can forget that Taranto produces 50% of the steel and Italian this is a legacy that the region has received from the State, for better or for worse. In the act of understanding is recognized that it needs to continue improving the environmental impact "in the context of a guarantee for the stability of the factory production and employment", with the mutual commitment to reduce conflict, especially that which flows in the courts.

We fear that prevail in the immediate bureaucratic aspects, with "mountains of cards" in the face of modest results. E 'instead must focus on the problems of understanding that the act could not resolve: "to promote the development of industry initiatives and improvement of environmental stability," undertake useful activities to "improve the health and safety of workers (Ed note: and citizens) in a common effort to combine health, safety and efficiency of management and organization and to progressively reduce the accident rate in the establishment Ilva of Taranto" all in a framework of corporate social and economic compatibility.

Anyone acquainted with the complex situation of Taranto steel plant and its well known that the general commitments of the act of understanding is insufficient. We know, for example, that there are still challenging issues related to the removal of dust from sheds, structures, roads and yards, with the containment of dust from discharge marine installations, the "neutralization" of the myriad of "emissions aware" and "fugitive emissions", all caused by technical facts such as wear, aging, lack of maintenance, improper design, incorrect operations, and more. We know that the giant plant makes huge pollution issues: just think a little 'how many chimneys and how many valves (main occasions of "fugitive emissions") are installed in a factory that covers an area of \u200b\u200b11,000,000 mq.

say these things because they need to keep your feet on the ground and look forward. The President took note of the Puglia region, with understandable realism, that there are no affordable technical solutions for major parks, as they are designed and manufactured. You can not "bury" at reasonable cost and compatible with the economic life of the company due to the presence of the underlying aquifer. Equally inconsistent would be the cost to "cover" should build and install as many "hangar" at least 60 meters high (as a building of 20 floors) to enable the operation of the machines that are 50 meters high divalent and move along parks and wide primary. The "hangar" would have a total area of \u200b\u200babout 1,500,000 square meters and should be equipped with a giant dust removal systems to protect workers to the plant workers and maintenance. Just as economically unfeasible is the "displacement" of the major parks in other areas: the restructuring would lead ore preparation plants, amusement parks, homogenization, coke ovens and byproducts, agglomeration, blast furnaces. It is risky to shoot a figure of at least € 10 billion investment, not to mention the enormous problems in the transition from old to new order, without stopping production for significant periods. For the volumes involved, it is equally unrealistic to think to change the production process cast iron / steel type Arvedi pointing to solutions.

It 'hard to determine who should support the effort to remedy the "original sin" committed almost fifty years ago by the designers of the plant: put the 'dirty area "(areas of iron and steel) close to the city and the' clean area '(pipe mills and rolling mills) away. In the planning phase, the situation could be reversed, as having cost more than a few kilometers of conveyor belts from the sea to the plant facilities, while today it would anger of God

So what? E 'to take the road of corporate restructuring programs that the phased closure of the hot, as was done in Corniglia, sourcing of slabs days. The staff made redundant would be used in remediation and restructuring of the areas to be used as areas behind the port available to a truly great port Hub. There are great things, but unavoidable and should be considered promptly and driven together. Someone maliciously think that the property will, however, the initiative to close the area to warm when the purchase price of the slabs on the market will be lower than their cost of production at Taranto. Retropensiero This accords with the strategy of the company and extra time, waiting to ripen the conditions that would put the company in a position of increased strength of the current.

Ours is an invitation to share the knowledge that a complete and decisive Ilva environmental remediation project that can not be a major project of corporate restructuring, with a sigh of several years and many human and economic resources but, above all, that must be supported by great people, public and private, with the courageous and farsighted. And 'This is the challenge ahead and win. The alternative would be the inevitable resumption of bitter conflict, the outcome is unpredictable for a "wicked" of the local situation or a "shambles" in the international steel industry.

The hope is that the tsunami did not seize us unprepared or even committed yet to discuss whether it is better to "die of cancer or hunger."