Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fake Community Service Letters
The ANOLF - National Association across borders - is an association of immigrants from various ethnic groups on a voluntary, democratic whose aim is the growth of friendship and brotherhood among peoples, in the spirit of the Italian Constitution. The
ANOLF, promoted by the CISL, non-profit and not side with any political movement or training. It was formed in December 1989.
Representation dell'ANOLF is delegated to two co-chairs. The Association is based on the eagerness of the immigrants for the protection of their needs and growth of our society.
The Association is widespread throughout the country with the ANOLF Regional (20), the Provincial Departments (101) and Territorial (10).
The ANOLF came to realize an ambitious, difficult, but profoundly right: to help create a society open to diversity in an increasingly multi-ethnic, multicultural, respect and enhancement of specific ethnic, cultural and religious differences. The
ANOLF aims to combat racism and xenophobia through the interaction between different social groups, in pursuit of mutual understanding, respect and opportunities for everyone in a society based on peaceful coexistence, as a stimulus to a more just and more respectful also the balance of nature.
The strengths are the commitment dell'ANOLF equality in rights and duties, as an expression of a "civic" mature, essential for the whole society in a country like ours that can be drawn from the resource immigrants, a push to overcome positions and behaviors related to a provincial culture and often unsociable.
The ANOLF implementing activities as part of its community life, a wide range of specific actions:
widespread information activities, advice, assistance, aimed at promoting the rights of immigrants;
training processes for the acquisition tools (language, culture, legislation, professional training) required to be active integration in the workplace and in society;
actions to facilitate the socialization active associations and among immigrants, while respecting the ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but no closures;
initiatives for recovery and preservation of cultural heritage of countries of origin;
and social policy initiatives for the acquisition of the actual satisfaction of needs lives of immigrants;
information campaigns and awareness meetings for the Italian population;
research, studies, seminars, parties of bringing people together, promoting projects, in partnership, on immigrants;
relations and cooperation in Italy and in Europe with institutions, organizations, political organizations, trade unions and professional associations to address the phenomenon migration in the context of the imbalance North - South
participation in the Council for the problems of immigrants and their families and to the national policy coordination of social integration of immigrants at the CNEL;
active presence in the body representation the social (Permanent Forum of the Third Sector);
active membership SUMMIT (Italian Council European Movement);
interventions and cooperation agreements with countries of origin of immigrants;
full involvement of all structures CISL regard to the protection of the rights immigrant work-related.