Thursday, December 21, 2006

Root Canal Gum Ulcers

Riva Ilva hypothesized by Ansa, the LNG terminal at Taranto


(ANSA) - BARI, DECEMBER 20 - The Ministry of Environment announced the Region of Puglia have granted an extension in the delivery of information about the environmental impact assessment of the project for the construction of a regasification terminal at Taranto. This was announced in a statement the Department for Ecology in the region. "The Ministry of 'Environment, by memorandum from the Director belly - it is stated in the note - has sent the region have taken note of the request made by Gas Natural for the LNG terminal project Taranto and agree to an extension in the delivery of the documentation on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with a maturity of January 10 next. "The plant of Taranto is the second such facility could be built after the one in Apulia Brindisi is already being developed by British Gas. Against his realization tarantine environmental groups have mobilized that could affect the city already nine industrial plants at risk of a major accident and there is no need to add another. The project of Taranto, proposed by the English company Gas Natural, is on the list of seven projects, including LNG terminals will be selected to build two plants 2015. (ANSA).


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