Letter to the boys of the Oratory Don Bosco Salesian
Piazza Armerina
Dear Don Bosco,
we call you Father, Teacher and Friend of Youth, the youth beloved by you that you spent the entire existence. And continue to do so today, two centuries later, because through you God inspires young and old willing to spend for the same cause.
is thanks to your strength, your determination, but above all your faith that we are here today as the Salesian Family, united and happy as we want you to celebrate and thank, because if you get there first gave us the example, winning all difficulties and persevere to save the souls of the young, we would have already dropped out.
not be here with you to begin the tenth year of experience lay Salesian. A company, like ours, that ten years ago to create doubts and uncertainty, but that has been confirmed, day after day, young people God has sent to your home, this house.
is also true that not done anything so innovative: you yourself have had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bmobilizing the laity into the ministry. You call them employees, now called the Salesian Cooperators. Many people fall in love with you thanks to them and thanks to the devoted and the reality of so many other young Salesian. How wonderful to love God through young! How wonderful to feel at home family, united for the same mission!
In all these years there has always been close to your phrase: "To get the roses, you know, meet the thorns, but thorns there is always a rose." There were thorns, to be honest, we did not expect: who should find themselves hampered by a guide of faith we displace. The research divisions from those who should preach unity saddens us.
Several times we had to call in question, we had to revise our ideas, usually without realizing what was wrong with them.
I would like to have you here, Father, for you to the many questions that are difficult to answer. I want you here in our small town of P. Armerina and I would carry among young people because you meet them and they meet you. Takes you to the chalet, including pubs and streets, and I know you would you come with me and we would have a little word to each ear, young man, more responsible than naive, than that which seeks God in what you feel lost has lost his faith. But you lived two centuries ago, here, now, we are there. And symbolically carried in procession to the house we would like the Mother that you taught us to call Help, Please keep us all in his mantle and to teach us to be a guide for young people, all young people! See us prevent this, leaves us disappointed.
Father, in truth, in the procession also wanted to bring you, to tell you "Get off the streets, go down again." Even this can not be done. Why?
You know what gives us strength in spite of everything? Seek your example. Even if you have found plugs were looking for arms that could help. To you has been even worse, tried to kill you! But God showed his love by protecting and continuous illumination, thou hast put the "yes" and a good daily dose of optimism.
With the same optimism and faith, then, we turn to God through you, to enable us to understand what the way forward, what are the conditions to accept obediently and which, instead, have to change with courage, always for His glory and never for us.
There is a garden of roses in this beautiful city, every rose is a young man who lives and we want them to be good gardeners.
Beg God for us because it makes our heart patients and welcoming, as is our one desire: to reach with your children in heaven.
Young Salesian Oratory in Piazza Armerina