Piazza Armerina. A match between fathers and their children to celebrate Father's Day. To organize the Student School Football Armerina who wanted to honor the holiday in their own way, organizing a football match between the fathers of children in various categories. So for about two hours at 48 stadiums in Piazza Armerina father wore shorts and T-shirts by the organization behind the ball and tripped as, generally, are their children. There are also a tiny presence of grandparents, siblings, cousins \u200b\u200band godparents who took the place of fathers who for various reasons could not be present.
'E' was an opportunity to spend a few hours of carefree - Says one of the parents - we are always taken from everyday routine now that we have lost the habit to stop and enjoy the most beautiful things we have, namely the family. "
Participants also characters" public "political life piazzese, beginning with the President of the Municipal Council and the coordinator of MPA Centonze Calogero Giuseppe Mattia, who, to the surprise of many, showed a good basic technique supported by a good physical condition that certainly did not deface, then many others from all walks of life who, while not knowing, shared this wonderful experience together. At the end of the races was hilarious when the sack race where you are challenged parents and children and the classic tug of war where children are regularly beaten all the teams to help dad thanks to empathy on the part of the latter. Eventually, everyone at home and despite a few minor injuries among the fathers, day to remember.
Agostino Sella