Castagnola vote 7, great game in the first half, but then gets kind Abbiati in Juve-Milan and begins to count the fans.
Tirri vote 7, great assists for La Rosa. Palma vote
7.5 handles the defense controls the ball well in the pinches Picciche first time that controls the ball well, "continues". Barbera
8 votes, scored a hat trick then is hurt and is forced to go out back with courage but with determination "seems to Boateng."
Palumeri vote 7, plays well in the first half, makes the assist for his first goal and then he goes online "seems Palombo in Sampdoria-Bologna.
Squad 7 vote, finally scored a goal and not so marked Action on "congratulations".
Prophet vote 7, plays well but is also a great president "after the game thanks everyone for the excellent performance of the team."
Picicuto 7 vote, finally makes its first goal and two assists. not marked by acitrezza-Pluz of November "Garand Pici.
Coach Sella vote 7, greatest in the second half, at least in the first but when winning is the right thing.
Out Of God Lauria and
Until next time, I expect you all to a foot AGAINST mezanotte with Alessia Ventura and Ciccio Graziani ...... Shevcenko wrong, publicity for us. Calogero
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