Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reason 3.0 License Number

however, could not make an effort, he had to learn a good determination of its forces, undergo routine checks quarterly, live a short life flat and very smooth. But it was something, at this point that, as they say in these cases, it could "tell". My life is moving ahead between work, home, children to follow with the tasks and school supplies. I swear that at night I felt really exhausted and I ended up always falling asleep on the couch watching TV. My husband, more and more indifferent and aloof, always spoke in first person, highlighting, his labors, his commitment, his concerns. But this was a classic, a classic which I had "made the call", so much so that I was not even there anymore. The things which made me furious with him, was the relationship he had with the money, and his shallowness, his way of appearing rather than being. The typical adult never grew up, suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. Sometimes I felt I was dealing with three children instead of two. On Saturday and Sunday were a tragedy. My "third son", demanded to leave, because, as he claimed, was his right, I am overwhelmed by household chores and the care of the duties of school children. It was already difficult for me to capture the concentration of both, who attended among other things, different classes, and he did not understand. Not only that, but when the children showed little motivation and willingness to work together, did everything to remove them even more, made comments out loud, so the boys, making strong approval of their dear daddy, became unmanageable. I was sweating seven shirts, not to mention the sweaters.


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