Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Inspirational Quotes Sympathy

Citizens of Taranto, is the time to watch and make our voices heard

The city is stunned. The news reports kept us in suspense. We waited for the names of those responsible but apparently Taranto also the failure of yet another Italian mystery remains. Money is no more, perhaps there will never be responsible, unless they find a scapegoat - like a group of employees and some bureaucrat - who pays for all.

But the problem is the tragic silence of the city. Someone is already planning for mass mobilization. This is part of the script that has someone in mind to get to the municipal elections with the standard of first class. It is difficult to have sympathy for the first class. It would take a real awareness of people and, more importantly, a real contract nature civil with those who propose to the Administrative Guide of this city.

Please do not make us feel more talk of democracy, participation and transparency. Since you have not been able to achieve them, at least try to respect these words in stone.

Who wants to govern this city must have a curriculum with practical exercises to respect the popular will, of listening and responding to people's needs. We will not bring programmoni who dreams of things to do. We propose two or three things that represent a clear, concrete break with the ruling classes and the current with their ways of governing. Tell us clearly what he wants to make the health of Taranto by the actions on the environment (regasification plant, steel, cement, refinery, traffic). Tell us how you propose to put a piece youth unemployment or at least how it intends to introduce elements of clarity in this area (who is working in the head as unemployed, for example). Tell us what men will immediately rule because people now understand which groups of political and economic power does, or does not, refer. Tell us if you still want to respect the primacy of worn-out parties that, to date, are the negation of democracy, participation and transparency. Tell us immediately how it intends to implement a form of control from below by all citizens.

To my fellow citizens I ask you to watch so exasperated. It is not only good governance of this city, but the fate of our children and our grandchildren because we expect tears and blood for a minimum of a couple of generations. Send letters of protest to those who have treated subjects, the papers write your anger, make your voice heard in the workplace, in places where you gather in the few sports and cultural associations because we were robbed even of healthy places aggregation and civil growth. Everything But the silence and indifference.

John Matichecchia


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