Friday, December 22, 2006

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release the 4000 layoffs

Ilva assumed reductions in production and threatens 4,000 layoffs.

In a letter to the Government 14 December Emilio Riva
warns that any reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide
would "need to stop
significant part of the equipment in use. The staff - he says -
hit by such reductions could be lower, even in ' more conservative assumptions, the
four thousand. "

Everything is linked to the application of the Kyoto Protocol. The President of the Province

Gianni Florida respond? "We reduce emissions

Environment and the Regional Councillor Michael Losappio: "The region is not the right contact
. E 'by the Environment Minister must respond."

One would ask what were said to all these months
Apulia Region and Ilva in the Act of Understanding then if these are the results.

On 16 November 2006 on PeaceLink
time was given to
a press section of the PDCI Latanza Taranto
which showed that "we need to see how today is distributed
productive capacity in terms of CO2 in our area and how much will
after the entry into production of CET 4-ILVA" and where
asked "whether the Act ultimately falls a total of Understanding
parameters in Kyoto in 2012 regarding our province and our region
. How are we today do not know, as we will not even tomorrow! "

The Energy Plan and the Regional Environmental Authority to serving Riva
if he comes out with a" bolt from the blue "and puts everyone in a quandary?

Region - so prompt to hypothesize an LNG terminal at Taranto,
but then to use a little 'more cautious when people wake up
- thought to the issue of the Kyoto Protocol?

The question then is half mystery and you do not understand the answers

"Ilva of Taranto is not subject to any reduction of CO2 emissions
. Shares 2005-2006-2007 remain unchanged.

To the alarm of Riva should perhaps be explained in light of other considerations
. Maybe these: Taranto
are expanding because the emission of CO2 is increasing production with the
transfer from Genoa to Taranto all production in hot
Genoa no longer wants.

All of these things, that the regional secretary of the UIL Aldo Pugliese
was saying for months the region, because they have never been discussed?

But there is a background that should not be overlooked.

not be excluded that Riva is putting his hands out in front of an international situation
Steel sees rash of Chinese exports. On a site specializing

(\u0026lt;> in economic analysis
international law, "the growing Chinese exports of steel and
faces the threat of anti-dumping duties. According to data
China Iron and Steel Association, the Land of the Dragon
exported in the first nine months of 28.6 million tonnes of steel products,
81% more than the same period last year. "This strong increase
- said Luo Bingsheng, vice president of the association
- is the result of high global demand
steel and higher prices on the international market than the Chinese
. So there is deep concern among foreign steel
. "(31/10/2006)

At the time of closure of the coke oven batteries 3-4-5-6 Riva
fear the disaster and the mass dismissal. It turned out
who was exploiting an environmental issue. But PeaceLink documented that the crisis
Ilva at that time was due to the adverse international economic
due to protectionism the U.S. market. Today

Riva again exploits environmental concerns. And try to use as human shields
workers. But the reason for any
redundancies (in the unlikely case) have to be found - more than in
Kyoto Protocol - the dynamics of globalization that makes steel
Taranto, a city increasingly precarious if it continues to be based on a production
strongly influenced by
cyclical dynamics of the international market.

Yet Riva - even in adversity - it always tries to draw
profit so as not to reduce its emissions over the city, as shown in
card shown below, are impressive.

Alessandro Marescotti

SHEET - Industrial pollution in Taranto

dioxin emissions to air

European: 800 grams l 'years
Italy: 232 grams per year
Taranto: 71 grams per year of 8.8% of total European and 30.6% of total Italian

Source: EPER (The European Pollutant Emission Register), 2002

Taranto: substances released into the atmosphere each year

Carbon monoxide (CO): 405,000 tons
Carbon dioxide (CO2): 8,080,000 tons
nitrogen oxide (NOx): 25,000 tons
sulfur dioxide (SOx): 38,000 tons
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): 25.90 tons
Dioxins (PCDDs PCDFs): 0.0714 kg
Powder: 2,000 tons (7 pounds per tarantino)

Source: EPER ( The European Pollutant Emission Register), 2002

Sulphur dioxide (SO2): 275 tons
nitrogen oxide (NOx): 2,000 tons

Source: Report of the experts of the magistrate of the Court of Taranto area
industrial Taranto, 1999

Sulphur dioxide (SO2): 9,846 tons
nitrogen oxide (NOx): 1,896 tons

Source: Report of the experts of the Gip Court of Taranto
industrial area of \u200b\u200bTaranto, 1999

Thursday, December 21, 2006

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Riva Ilva hypothesized by Ansa, the LNG terminal at Taranto


(ANSA) - BARI, DECEMBER 20 - The Ministry of Environment announced the Region of Puglia have granted an extension in the delivery of information about the environmental impact assessment of the project for the construction of a regasification terminal at Taranto. This was announced in a statement the Department for Ecology in the region. "The Ministry of 'Environment, by memorandum from the Director belly - it is stated in the note - has sent the region have taken note of the request made by Gas Natural for the LNG terminal project Taranto and agree to an extension in the delivery of the documentation on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with a maturity of January 10 next. "The plant of Taranto is the second such facility could be built after the one in Apulia Brindisi is already being developed by British Gas. Against his realization tarantine environmental groups have mobilized that could affect the city already nine industrial plants at risk of a major accident and there is no need to add another. The project of Taranto, proposed by the English company Gas Natural, is on the list of seven projects, including LNG terminals will be selected to build two plants 2015. (ANSA).

Saturday, December 16, 2006

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Gianni Liviano here is how I intend to rethink the city

We want to make the transition from a city that is agglomeration of buildings to a city that is a community of people, where people feel important, accepted and also safeguarded by the Municipal. We want to create a city evidently thought not only to emergencies in the area but also thinking on development strategies possible. We want to imagine being able to build a future that will recover and return to the young, for example, hope to stay on this land.

With these words, Gianni Liviano, candidate for mayor of "The city we want," explained the meaning of the next public event sponsored by his association. This is a panel discussion entitled "Rethinking the City" will be moderated by Advocate Caesar Paradise, to be held Tuesday, December 19, at 18:00, at the Great Hall of the Institute of Pacinotti Taranto.

Among the participants - said the aspiring mayor - are listed, Don Rocco D'Ambrosio, a priest and professor of philosophy, which helps us to reflect on the city that thinks, Professor Franco Chiarello, regional commissioner of the Tourist Office, to discuss the host city; Dr. Enzo Joy, president of the Architects, to consider a new hypothesis of land-use plan that is able to recover living spaces and socializing, hypothesize experiences of city children, and revive a city on not only smaller but also the most vulnerable social groups. We have also invited Dr. Mimmo god, president of the Medical Association, because we believe in a city that recovers the important role of the welfare, health, health and social services.

Liviano just returned from participating in a debate organized by the Bari University for Development of Peace, which was also attended by the Minister for Infrastructure Antonio Di Pietro, discussed briefly on the news released by former PM, on an amendment inserted in the Finance which will kick off the project Ditek providing for the extension of the fifth projection of the port of Taranto. I do applaud those professionals Taranto said Liviano - who worked for a cartel of companies , Italian, British and U.S. activate a project whose act of understanding was signed for a fully private investment of nine hundred million euro which includes a doubling of the fifth projection of the port and on which work will start in 2008 and ended in 2011 and provides a full load, a 'employment situation of five people, at least half of whom Taranto.

During the press conference was also talk of primaries. A Liviano, journalists have asked to clarify the meaning of the recent agreement with the other center-left candidate for mayor, Dr. Stephen Ippazio. The primary was his response - are an attempt at democracy and participation. We consider it important that the city can experience, after a situation of instability, also motivated by a culture of delegation, assumption of participation. With Dr. Stephen we have found it useful to give this sign of democracy, regardless of the legitimate decisions of the President Gianni Florido.

Finally, the Internet site. From now on all the initiatives promoted by the "The City we want" and its candidate for mayor Gianni Liviano will be presented on the Web or http://www. / . The site, by captivating graphics, contains In fact, reports on the activities of the association and the campaign of proselytism, which leads Liviano long ago in view of the primary and his supporters are hoping the elections.

Taranto, 16.12.2006 The City that We

Friday, December 1, 2006

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The City of Gulf Felice

Held tomorrow, Saturday, December 2 , at 18:00 in Piazza della Vittoria , organized by "The City that we want," public initiative entitled "The City of Gulf Felice .

This is a great game goose team focused on the environment. At the same time will be an exhibition and you will create a spectacle of theatrical animation.

This initiative represents yet another opportunity to meet citizens' association with the candidate for mayor, Gianni Liviano. The main theme of the debate will be a joint reflection on the problem of pollution. "Our goal - said John Guarino, of the political secretariat of the association and will coordinate the group's communication lively games of" The City that we want "- is to denounce the violent occupation industrialization in the area. I would stress the importance of the instrument we have chosen to express our point of view. We could in fact give birth to a sit-in protest, but we preferred this type of initiative, not only because most engaging but also because we believe that politics, understood as being involved in decisions that affect the common good, should not necessarily be represented by people jacket and tie and with his face serious. Not by chance that we of "The City that we want" we believe the expression of a joyful way of understanding politics. "

Taranto, 1.12.2006

The cities that want - Press Office

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Beloved, think

To govern a city and its future is advisable to listen. Learning to listen to the voices, thoughts, dreams and needs of men and women who live there, listen to the thought of economic and social work practice daily in the area.

I want to listen to my city, I want to listen to their problems and hopes, I want to read the existing city with its strengths and its weaknesses and then, with the help of those who wish to participate, I want to build a better city .

to build a development project for Taranto, we decided, with friends who support me, to initiate of thematic forums: opportunities for the exchange and discussion on major issues (economy, environment, urban planning, culture, social services, etc.)..

To collect your skills and demands of the world that you represent, we believe it is fundamentally a significant your presence.

forums are planned:

December 5, 2006
17 hours in the Conference Hall of the Municipal Library "P. Acclavio"

December 14, 2006
17 hours in the Aula Magna ITIS "Pacinotti"

In the month of January. In addition, thematic meetings will be held on specific topics which are based on the results emerging from the two forums in December.

in hopes of meeting numerous, is grateful for the opportunity I offer you my most cordial greetings.

Dr. Gianni Liviano

Thursday, November 30, 2006

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No to politics instead of building a project for the city is reduced to gossip and unorthodox practices to the detriment of competitors


Despite the Union's most important political parties have not yet
clear what will be their candidate for mayor, the climate in which we are approaching
as at 11 December, is dense of clouds, often apparently
charges also poisons.

assist appalled, unfortunately, in a game set in the slaughter act
by certain environments tended to discredit
and sometimes even to slander the other competitors in the primaries, made of
malignant rumors, gossip and last but not least, it seems to polls
"invented and built for art."

Yesterday the newspaper "Taranto Sera", the Hon. Vico, to whom I recognized
great credit for intellectual honesty demonstrated
has used those very words to describe a survey that appeared in the Corriere del
Day, conducted by the SWG and
attribute to the Democrats of the Left. Today, the provincial secretary of the Oak, Enzo
Giannico, while not questioning the seriousness of the Corriere del
Day (which also publishes
the cover bearing the words "Democrats in the left pre-election survey in the town of Taranto
second part, 10/27/2006"), what we do well we
claims to know nothing of this poll.

We find ourselves faced with a false material:
someone on behalf of the DS, has come to a local newspaper poll
completely invented. We do not care to know who did it but we can not
that stigmatize these behaviors that fall into this climate
to discredit someone on purpose is creating and
that our mayoral candidate Gianni Liviano
is obviously a main objective to be hit, as his name,
the first to have advanced his candidacy, does not appear at all in

not the thing, true or false to the survey,
interests us very much. Rather we are saddened by this way of conceiving politics
that, instead of being seen as a shared instrument
to build a better future comes down to sleazy gossip
and unorthodox practices.

Instead, we want, as he himself has repeatedly stressed that
our candidate for mayor is like a tailor, able to cut
distances between politics and people and cultures in sewing
noble attempt to build a mediation point to create a bond of trust with
citizens, based on legality.

Despite the polls, true or false, we have started our journey
made of meetings with citizens, for some time. On this day we move
Director with the ambitious goal of
able to gather enough votes to win the primaries.
We are aware that it is a difficult challenge to overcome but also
believe that people can no longer be influenced by the decisions of
secretariats of the parties and powers that be.

TARANTO, 30.11.2006
Press office of "The city we want,"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

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Liviano: We will win the primaries and govern the city

"Ours is a clear proposal. We have avoided to wait for long periods of policy and we aim with force and coherence as a group of people who want to govern the city. We plan to do so by winning the primaries. "

So Hans Liviano - during a press conference Saturday morning to explain the next steps of his association - has made clear its intentions with respect to the future of political and administrative life of Taranto.

And, speaking of leading, he added that if there are, the experience of "The City that we will continue not to do and witness." It 's an idea that may arise and for which we are ready to commit. Meanwhile, we were the first to say clearly what we are putting together people with different cultures, locations, political experiences, different. The tactics and the aggravation of self we are seeing do not seem aimed at the need for change. Instead, we're trying to put together all the associations, because who is candidate for governor can not ignore the social and economic dimensions of the city. Without our proposal is unlikely that the center would have assumed the primary. We say this not to boast but to affirm the reality of things. "

Looking to the economic future of the city, Liviano concerned. Ilva - he said - is certainly an asset to the area but can not be for the next ten years the only opportunities for development. At several serious for the local economy is certainly represented by the expansion of the port to realize that he still wants a new president immediately. "Unfortunately, despite a city that mourns, in which many do not even know what to eat, we still think in terms of balance and divided among the parties. All this reflects the logic of the proper management of the common good but rather is mere self- and sharing of the charges ".

Our placement policy - continued Liviano - remains, despite some misunderstandings in the center, because this is the our culture. "The parties say that these are important and that their function is to be understood not as an end but as a tool. We are tired to continue to receive blows, as if we were schoolboys who have everything to learn, every time we say honestly what you think, leaving from the rites of the liturgy so out of politics. "
say no - he continued - the balance of the game to anyone who brings or agreements fake. The change in coalition at the helm of the city is essential but not sufficient. E 'need to change the culture of those who govern. We are bored to see how someone, but to safeguard the position of assessor, slowing its availability. "Let it be clear that these posts over
us do not go. "

Speaking of his program and how to draft, Liviano said it would reverse course so far followed:" enough with the culture of the delegation, which makes people uninformed citizens and forth across a phenomenon participation that makes people protagonist. "This is the background to the initiative, already underway, the" neighborhood workshops "which served to listen to the people. Now is the time with the" Forum of skills "to open the building of a city project that we shared and participated. "I - he concluded - I want to be an instrument of stitching all instances."

to illustrate the "Forum of powers" is Professor Vittorio Nicolardi operative who began by saying that the program will be considered as an overall project, which is concentrated in a few key points (also because the financial resources will be limited because of instability), leading in the medium term to achieve a rebirth is not only economic but also cultural center. In fact, if we care only for immediate needs - stated - we lose sight of the future projects. The ILVA example, if we look at what will be the evolution of the globalization process, may in the future very difficult to maintain current production levels. The city must then find new horizons for its development. Among them - argued Professor Nicolardi - are certainly ways of the sea and the port. The latter may, however, be mutilated by the construction of the regasification terminal, a problem that in addition to those of a purely environmental. If carried out in identified, the LNG terminal could turn into a bulkhead that prevents the port to develop and grow in the direction of the Multipurpose Pier. These are choices that can permanently affect the economic development of this city, according to Professor Nicolardi, serious planning is needed. The Forum - concluded - will be used to prepare a draft program that will be the result of listening to citizens and those with expertise in specific areas. The project subsequently become more complex with the help of a number of professionals active in all fields that identify the priorities to be followed to ensure a new development to the city. Finally spoke

John Guarino, who illustrated a number of new government initiatives that the association will carry out during December and January. These are fun activities, entertainment and theater. "This is because we - he said - express a joyful way of doing politics." The first of these will be a great game of goose called "The City of Gulf Felice, all focused on environmental issues, to be held December 2 in Piazza Maria Immacolata, and that To denounce the violent occupation of industrialization in the area. Subsequently, on December 17, will be proposed initiative animation toddlers called "The City of Children" and, on January 19, Piazza della Vittoria, a play focusing on the theme of ethical values. Guarino of the latter initiative has sought to clarify the meaning: "All are good to accept the different but this does not necessarily guarantee an award."

Taranto, 26.11.2006

The City Press who want

Monday, November 20, 2006

Optical-migraine: Progressive


A city where you can breathe clean air with Ilva, a city where our young people can find a job and begin a family, a city where one can quietly grow old and be cared for, a city on a human scale with the respect and respect for all. To think of a city and to govern its future is advisable to listen, learning to hear his voice, his thoughts, his needs and his dreams to be fulfilled, giving balance to concepts such as work, economy, development, environment and social development.
To achieve this you need to read the existing city with its strengths and its weaknesses to build on, in a shared, the city that people want to identify measures and means to achieve it. There are
many things that you do not have the courage to change, there are many things you think but do not say that because "nobody cares". There are many things you want but do not try to take it "so you do not get." So, day after day, we are content and satisfied the other. But others have nothing to do, it's just not our responsibility to say, do not get until the paralysis and the refusal of the action. We need people who want to give up and have so much indifference to the common good heart who are willing to live in freedom as a service and want to discuss not only the head but also with the heart. The political action guided by the referential, that subtracting content with few to many has reached its lowest point with the financial difficulties at the door. For the difficult years that our city will face more than ever need the full participation of people in all its various social forms that can embrace this political project, because not enough just to join a project, but it is necessary that this be discussed democratically, as amended in accordance with the best ideas and eventually be shared by all.
To provide concrete answers to social, economic and living conditions demand that the city feels special needs and need: a policy imposed
dialogue and relationship between the ruler and the people
A policy of supporting economic activities that are able to respect the environment and the people real and constant
A policy geared to the needs expressed by social
a policy that would allow the city and all its people to be masters of the future
a policy that accepts the planning, monitoring and control of all administrative and accounting
A policy of absolute discontinuity in the methods, content and names of power compared to groups that have (mis) ruled the city in recent years regardless of their current placement policy.
To make a policy conceived in this way is necessary :
Return to the institutions the role of places of service and efficiency, freeing themselves from corruption, from the logic of patronage and privileges by the injustices and inequalities
Fighting to protect vulnerable people by providing suitable tools for participation that are able to give them a voice Combining the right
in political practice civic passion, fairness, professionalism and creativity, while holding the centrality of the moral issue
ongoing processes aimed at realizing an idea of \u200b\u200bthe renewed policy which recover its highest value: participation.
why we want to achieve an open path to the comparison of all those who, in a
consistent with the values \u200b\u200band the method chosen, will take place alongside.
why we are committed to being consistent with our location within the Centre Left coalition
, hoping for a democratic participation in the "primary". So I ask
Gianni Liviano to be our candidate for mayor.

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But is it true that Taranto is completely resigned? GIANNI Liviano

Date: 17-Nov-2006 17:09
Subject: CONCERN

"Life Live" on RAIUNO, "Scratching" on Telenorba and some other articles published by major newspapers, I do worry about the messages that are passed, as to the Taranto. Taranto is a city in the knee, with people totally unabashed resigned or otherwise.

today on Corriere del Mezzogiorno, the last item. Did you read it? A visit to the jewelry Ripa, the protests without pay, a few figures on the failure, two applications to the principal Anzoino throwing a little dig at the Committee of 18 October and that gives him even to the Left that is never good and now the opposition does not guide any kind of protest (with an arrow even at Ezio Stefàno ...).
And finally, what seems to emerge is still resignation and arrogance. Indeed, the few who "react" are those that "... take a pen and paper and write to local newspapers ..." That's it?

Again no mention of the project The city we want, or chess, the fact that there is a Committee against the LNG terminal. In short, these news reports coming out of the city limits, it seems that no one is ready Taranto to fans to change.

will also be true that our experiences are a minority, but maybe if some arrogant or resigned tarantino law or see on TV that there is only Taranto arrogance and resignation, autoconvincerà you even more now that there's nothing more to do. Or not? And if he saw more

Gianni Liviano often face and the other association, banquets or thematic forums or workshops neighborhood, not only on the Day Courier, but also tested on some more important, it would be more encouraged to participate, or simply to support ?

What do you say? The project
The city we want, and its initiatives were also presented to the heads and the TV show "more comprehensive", or only for strictly local newspapers and television? But it is true that

Ballarò Annozero and are preparing dossier on the affair and services Taranto? We are able to "sneak"? Gianni not to show viewers the Roman or Milanese but to see and hear from Gianni Tarentines through RAI. Perhaps because, compared with Polyphemus, the most effect ... would not know ...

Meanwhile, I greet with affection.

Nicola Pavia

Sunday, November 19, 2006

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"More than an act of dignity - the assumption of political responsibility for what happened
to the city of Taranto by the former mayor,
Rossana Di Bello, I feel a duty. The least you could expect from
who ruled the city, with a handful balance
for six years. I find the will and not random late former Prime
citizen to break the silence on the very day on which the cameras
the show "Live Life" talking about the
disruption to the town of Taranto and showed that they were frustrated the attempts to trace the
Lady Di Bello. A smart move
really like the choice to meet with journalists in a closed
television studio rather than in a public place.

The former mayor has responsibility but also moral.
his re-election, almost unanimous, was also the result of a campaign conducted with methods
patronage. All this,
without a doubt, has resulted in ill repute: see for example the story of
Cimino Park. Add

, without wanting to give this responsibility to
criminal law, that one wonders how it is possible - as
found a local newspaper - many of the projects undertaken by his
junta are now being investigated by the judiciary.

While the mayor is not a policeman is also true that he is
representative of all citizens. You can not abdicate the role of
controllers, especially when it comes to the fate of a
community. And do not claim to know what was happening to
City Palace is in some ways even more serious as well as not credible.
Moreover, the former Mayor could count not only on
Director-General on a wide plethora of officials and councilors. O between these
there was someone who acted behind his back? A doubt that this
Di Bello reveals without providing any explanation.

Di Bello has also explained why many of the debts accumulated
although one is anxious to remind the recovery plan that objectively
had little chance of success because it
based, as said Commissioner Thomas writes about Blonda
unreliable accounting.

then states that the compensation given to staffisti
or the Director-General does not have precipitated the situation is questionable.
Maybe not in financial terms but certainly on the ethical and
morale. Given the results, the citizens would do willingly
less expensive supply of these influential professionals

And this is the biggest disruption that has occurred to heal the
which will take much longer than indicated to overcome the
financial crash. The distrust of citizens against those who
assumes the burden of administering public affairs.

must therefore change direction. Anyone who is a candidate to govern this city
must clearly indicate that they wish to make a path
a total break with certain past practices. But not only.
should also be indicated, now that is clear to everyone what is happened,
a serious project for the future of the city, not stopping to
means by which to effect the reorganization, but also
outlining what kind of development you want to promote.

Taranto, 26.10.2006

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Laboratory Neighborhood - Italy Montegranaro

closed with a positive third quarter
Laboratories, an initiative of listening and dialogue with the citizens of
Taranto, designed and promoted by the City that we want
and its candidate for mayor Gianni Liviano.

This time, after the experience usually Corvisea Lama and the Laboratory of
district took office in Italy Montegranaro. Three main problems
emerged from the comparison with the inhabitants of the area: the
Market Via Lucania, vehicular traffic, and green.

In particular, some people have pointed out the inadequacy
from a logistical standpoint, the structure of that market place, according to
many, should be transferred elsewhere,
goal for which you are committing a spontaneous committee of citizens. For
terms of traffic many have complained about the situation of street
Gold Medals pipes where the highest daily number of vehicles
to the city center. The presence of different
schools and the habit to leave your car double parked
to accompany children at school during peak hours, makes
the environment - have complained of citizens - particularly chaotic.
With regard to the green, there were few inhabitants of the district
who denounced the state of degradation, which makes it a
insecure and therefore of little usability, where the gardens
insist that between Via and Via Campania Gold Medals.

These topics were the focus of final debate that
as usual, closed the two days of the Laboratory of the neighborhood, and that
was held yesterday (Friday) evening at the Institute Pacinotti.

Gianni Liviano thanked the speakers for the sensitivity
shown that the problems highlighted by the reported
citizens are the result of mismanagement of the public good.
A management that has responded most to the interests of business friends who
not the real needs of citizens and which have also suffered
neighborhoods. Liviano has therefore agreed with
those citizens who have requested a new traffic plan and wish to see removed from
speculation insists the area where the old gasometer

Although the problems, large and small, that beset the city are many
- concluded Liviano - it is time to move from protest to that
phase of the proposal. Politics, going
perceived mainly as an investment, you should return the
dignity because the management of the common good. For this
urged citizens who have joined the Laboratory of
district to come forward and join in the project of "The city
we want." A city that - he said - can not help but
a new plan to replace the current
designed for a region with twice the number of inhabitants, a city that is more tailored
children and therefore more livable for adults, a city where the institution
City once again be a place of service and efficiency
, freeing themselves from the logic of patronage
and injustice.

Taranto, 18/11/2006 The City that we want

Monday, November 6, 2006

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Draft Programme for the urban green-

Subject: technical proposals for the proper management of "Green

DRAFT ENVIRONMENT PLAN for the "City that we want"

Dr. Agr. Francesco Pasculli

Manager Urban Green and Environment PdCI Taranto

Sec. Cosimo Latanza


" The Green Map - Regulation of Green", "Office Environment", "Maintenance by the former. socially useful workers - ex. Servizi SpA Taranto"

The urban vegetation, in addition to the unequaled beauty, social and landscape, may have a role in maintain air quality through various mechanisms that can take value greater or lesser extent depending on environmental conditions and the characteristics of the populations.

may in particular:

  • absorb pollutants such as ozone and nitrogen oxides;

  • trap dust;

  • significantly reduce the high summer temperatures and consequently reduce ozone is known to increase during the summer;

  • reduce emissions of hydrocarbons from cars parked by shading parking.

In fact, since the first EU funding of the OP 94/99 Plurifondo a measure was dedicated precisely to the "noise and environmental clean-up of the Big City." POP Puglia 1994/1999, 2nd three-year period and Measurement Environment 7.3, 7.3.8 Submeasure "clean-up and noise pollution of big cities," Regional Resolution No. 3898 of 30.06.1997, Gazette No.95 of 28.08.1997, funds with which they are made (bad!) Virgil's famous gardens.

The "Green Map" is the basic work necessary to carry out any studies or intervention in the field of conservation, urban planning, design, maintenance of urban green spaces and environmental education.

It is hoped the establishment of a "Office Environment" to coordinate all actions on the environment (too many people are municipalities with skills on the green and the environment: Department of Government of the Territory, Government Heritage, Ecology and Environmental Health, Public Works ...), the "Green Map" enables planning of urban green areas in addition to the quantitative aspects taking into account the qualitative evaluated in a strictly scientific.

A rational model of urban development and today "PUG" , should be planned considering the item no longer as green for "fill " Non-residential areas, but as actual infrastructure fully integrated into the plan development itself.

Hence the need also to draw up a "Rules of Green involving both the private and public green areas and giving those basic guidelines for proper protection, preservation and planning of urban green spaces, in close collaboration with the Environmental Associations be considered as a value added and not as an obstacle to the development of the territory.

Suitable would be the use of "ex. LSU." in numbers proportional to the surface of green areas in the individual constituencies, possibly using resident labor in those same neighborhoods where it should operate.

the same motivation to the industry resulting in improved quality of service provided.


Key to the development of the territory appears to be a rational policy on waste, they are of urban origin, and animal (livestock, poultry etc ....) and plant (waste from fruit and vegetable crops, wine, olive and maintenance of urban green spaces).

In fact, it expanded the collection to the organic fraction (over 50% of the total waste from urban sources) generated by households and businesses (restaurants, pizzerias, farmers markets etc ....).

methods, methodologies and current legislation on waste, cause the government to find new ways of disposing of them, taking into account not only the potential social benefits (improved environment) but, more importantly, the economic advantages, for example, anaerobic digestion plant and / or platforms for the composting .

The installation of such facilities allow:

  • to solve the problems of disposal of waste that is produced in the urban agro-industrial

  • to produce and sell clean electricity (Anaerobic Digestion ) ;

  • produce Compost and sell (Platforms for composting) .

LARGE INDUSTRY - Act of Intesa

Proposals for a proper use of public resources available are:

  • complete redevelopment of the neighborhood green drums starting from the adoption of proper and scientific management of urban green spaces and the creation of a true "Urban Forest" understood not simply as a range of relation between the factory and the neighborhood, but as green infrastructure that can carry out the winding up action to filter dust and pollution, with possible action cascade entire city;

  • adoption of forms subsidized public financing for the supply to all residents of the neighborhood filter against noise, dust and pollution;

  • removal of pollution sources and energy costs the district itself through the implementation of projects "EcoCase" and processing of drums in "Solar Neighborhood".

And for a civil relationship between ILVA Taranto and citizens, as well as the highest commitment to collaboration with local organizations, it is desirable and at the expense of the company:

  • complete redevelopment of the cemetery (now in a state of degradation) and subsequent routine maintenance

  • retreat of the establishment of perimeter barriers and creating a buffer zone;

  • redevelopment of existing green hills and the entire area surrounding the industrial area.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Diaper Punishment Movies

Liviano Stefano

I had a nightmare.

I dreamed that Liviano and Ezio Gianni Stefano presented themselves in the primaries ended with the Union and cancel each other out.

I dreamed I won the third candidate of the Union, of which we still do not know your identity.

could be a friend of Di Bello (Pelillo), could be a former supporter of Di Bello, and a character who, candidate for mayor, it would lose its commitments to the electorate of the province (Florida) might be a DS any bureaucrat. Anyone who is not as Liviano and Stephen, both good candidates-Mayor, both good people who represent a real breakthrough compared to the last two decades of incompetent of caudillo, of criminals and irresponsible.

We can not take that risk. Find a solution, maybe you touch.

King Solomon is about to cut the baby in two-Taranto, who has more sense of responsibility will prevent the killing. Prevent Liviano between Stefano and win the old or current friends of Di Bello.

Michele De Benedetto

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Inspirational Quotes Sympathy

Citizens of Taranto, is the time to watch and make our voices heard

The city is stunned. The news reports kept us in suspense. We waited for the names of those responsible but apparently Taranto also the failure of yet another Italian mystery remains. Money is no more, perhaps there will never be responsible, unless they find a scapegoat - like a group of employees and some bureaucrat - who pays for all.

But the problem is the tragic silence of the city. Someone is already planning for mass mobilization. This is part of the script that has someone in mind to get to the municipal elections with the standard of first class. It is difficult to have sympathy for the first class. It would take a real awareness of people and, more importantly, a real contract nature civil with those who propose to the Administrative Guide of this city.

Please do not make us feel more talk of democracy, participation and transparency. Since you have not been able to achieve them, at least try to respect these words in stone.

Who wants to govern this city must have a curriculum with practical exercises to respect the popular will, of listening and responding to people's needs. We will not bring programmoni who dreams of things to do. We propose two or three things that represent a clear, concrete break with the ruling classes and the current with their ways of governing. Tell us clearly what he wants to make the health of Taranto by the actions on the environment (regasification plant, steel, cement, refinery, traffic). Tell us how you propose to put a piece youth unemployment or at least how it intends to introduce elements of clarity in this area (who is working in the head as unemployed, for example). Tell us what men will immediately rule because people now understand which groups of political and economic power does, or does not, refer. Tell us if you still want to respect the primacy of worn-out parties that, to date, are the negation of democracy, participation and transparency. Tell us immediately how it intends to implement a form of control from below by all citizens.

To my fellow citizens I ask you to watch so exasperated. It is not only good governance of this city, but the fate of our children and our grandchildren because we expect tears and blood for a minimum of a couple of generations. Send letters of protest to those who have treated subjects, the papers write your anger, make your voice heard in the workplace, in places where you gather in the few sports and cultural associations because we were robbed even of healthy places aggregation and civil growth. Everything But the silence and indifference.

John Matichecchia

Friday, October 27, 2006

Blood Clots After Leep

The port of Taranto and regasification

garden of Taranto

Port of Taranto.

The previous city government has tried every means to bend the same management model and the Municipal municipal or special municipal port administration also looking to impose a presidency without any special requirements and heavy conflicts of interest for activities directly operated and administered in port.

This design has generated a series of disputes that have heavily sanctioned such behavior.

The result is that in a little over a year took turns at the top leaderships of the port authority four negative all the activities of the port, both from ordinary activities and those related to the planning of the works necessary for the development of port facilities and activities are induced in behind the port and in the logistics in general.

There was no interaction between the work port and rail and road junctions to keep them functional, modern, profitable and sustainable transport.

What we want to do:

  • first of all restore the normal preparations for use of port management and comply with rules dictated by laws and by the Italian Constitution, that the force does not coveted by the center;

  • second working port in line with management to arrive at the final approval and adoption of the plan of the port which would not be possible without any infrastructure project aimed at the integration of existing maritime trade for developing the activities behind the port for implementation employment in the service sector employment advanced high-performance and low environmental impact;

  • absolute respect for the environment also in the planning of infrastructure work to maintain the proper relationship and integration of port-cities, ensuring that the port would affect the activities in the city even in the immediate vicinity of the port.

In a nutshell, we consider the port one of the largest companies in the city in which more players, more workers will be able, with his work, freely compete on equal terms to make the port more profitable and more freedom of the city and its citizens.

The regasification plant.

With regard to the installation of an LNG terminal at Taranto said he was all over and perhaps all have expressed their thoughts. Some have spoken many times and sometimes contradicting what was said with great emphasis. In fact, to contradict what was stated, someone has made use also of the Technical Committees that are empowered to express themselves in other matters let alone the safety of citizens and facilities.

The technical members to express their views expressed are not required because the assessments have not yet techniques that correlate current situations (already very complex) with those that would result if it came to the location and construction of a regasification terminal in any port area and beyond.

We've never been biased against or in favor of LNG terminals, we know that are useful and perhaps essential to the national energy balance, but we want to be sure that their location at Taranto and elsewhere, is very safe places and the people concerned. As also required by all environmental groups intervened.

Therefore, any decision, whether positive or negative, can and should be taken, with great realism and full of responsibility, after all have been adequately informed on every detail of the technical and economic choice, thereby, rejecting a priori the syndrome of "never in my backyard" as well as not accepting the simplistic statement "you can do "maybe" beyond. " Each site must be investigated with the projections that are due to envisage scenarios after the construction and operation.

Next, as to consent "policy" we would like to point out that the town police station can not express any willingness representative of the will of the people. The Province and the Region have never in their electoral programs, the possibility of installing a LNG terminal at Taranto and then they themselves can not exercise any delegation obtained by citizens.

Without due consideration not only wait for the next local elections to elect the Mayor of Taranto and predict whether or not such an option in programs for administration of the city, and this right from the primaries that will surely guarantee choosing more participatory and informed citizen.

Michele Conte

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dorothy Provine Roaring 20s

Positive results of the Laboratory of The district usually Corvisea

It closes with a positive initial phase of the first District Workshop, an initiative listening and dialogue with its citizens, designed and promoted by the City that we want and its candidate for mayor Gianni Liviano.

Although bad weather prevented the completion of the program - provided the two days, 19 and 20 October, only the first took place - the experiment carried out at the district, Solito Corvisea can be successful.

Favourable impact with people who have responded far beyond expectations, approaching the large gazebo set up for the occurrence and showing curiosity and interest in an initiative to re-establish contact with the people, for too long considered only as a reservoir of votes, if necessary to draw back and not easy honor promises.

approach with local residents was carried out through the delivery of a letter in which the initiative has Liviano Gianni Laboratories District, explaining the motivations that inspired it.

E 'were then asked to those who wish to write on a piece of paper shaped like a brick, a need, a desire, a suggestion on how to improve your neighborhood and the entire city of Taranto.

bricks have been, from time to time, added to earlier on a panel in an effort to build an ideal city that we are all together, starting from the city who live it every day in all its facets.

Diverse, In addition, the membership of people interested in giving a contribution, in terms of participation, the initiatives of the group or even to receive information on future events.

Everything is done to the presence of constant and careful Gianni Liviano who met those who want to know him personally.

One thing, however, deserves a deep reflection. More carefully at the beginning and the contents have been shown to adults and the elderly, regardless of sex and social class, while young people were more suspicious, confirming what has unfortunately become the pervasive climate of distrust and resignation about the future.
All in the wake of a continuous removal of young people themselves the political and social life of the city to which he contributed a certain way of doing politics that Taranto has made a master for too long and that has brought only disappointment and indifference.

final phase of the Laboratory of Neighborhood - Solito Corvisea - will be meeting with the citizens tomorrow morning starting at 9.30 in the square opposite the Co-Cathedral, a moment of synthesis, during which we will comment on what came out of bricks and analysis we seek to understand, with those who want to participate, which can and should be the future of our city.

Taranto, 21.10.2006 Press

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Agganis Arena Detailed Seating Chart


The city we want : what mobility

The photograph of coarse-grained mobility in Taranto can be derived from reading the data from the 2001 census. In our area, inhabited by more than 190,000 residents, are held about 110,000 daily trips just to go to school (about 45%) and work (approx. 55%), this value is more than half of the trips are measured in the Province Taranto and less than a tenth of those regional .. Of those that take place within the commune, about 70% (over 72,000) is made by residents in the capital while the remainder is held by residents in the province and the region. Generally, employees use as a vital form of transport the car (on average 65% with higher values \u200b\u200bfor workers coming from out of town) and just take the bus (around 5%), in contrast to students when they come from out of town primarily use the bus (more than 70% or about 4,300), students living in the capital prefer to walk (about 15,000 or more than 40%), being acoompagnati (about 9,000 or about 27% of resident students) and just go by bus (about 17% or about 6,000). Even 15% of workers (just under 7,000) use to walk to work.

This is the picture overall aseptic but in everyday life is reflected in some way that everyone who lives, moves, use the road, he sees during his movement, and produces a result. And of course the need to reduce the time, arriving in time at work or school, to make the movements necessary to the existence of each of us confrontatno - scontran apparentaemnte on that place so ungovernable that is the road, the sidewalk and then fight for parking or to go with the stroller. And the themes of mobility become symptomatic in order to assess the quality of life for everyone since the traffic or the noise of the other is always worse than that produced by us, because "it looks like driving that cock ....." This is the picture enthusiast.

In between is the ability to govern, make choices that are necessary to balance the needs (that everyone knows very well) and the collective (of which we forget with some abitudinarietà). The theme of mobility, or of his government, can then become symptomatic in order to re-align the relationship between individual cities and towns of public spaces, intended that the road is now regarded as a public space par excellence, used to power by all, but which lends attention only when addressing the ball or the car is double parked.

The site of the rebalancing we said, melt the space where individual and collective needs, where the city can re-learn some basic rules of coexistence from the signal being given by the Administration, that the government instead of relying to the 'self' and "common sense" of the citizen. The road, a symbolic place where the governments most likely fall over, where the changes are never painless, where it is better to "let live" rather than a means for promoting compliance with the walkway. And yet a city which is measured with the proper functioning of the road so far largely with the proper functioning of its arterial system, the road that brings oxygen, the road to wealth and just ask the dealers if they prefer a road open or closed to traffic.

The topic is so delicate but not the actions of government can forget that there is given its importance. And then you need to identify actions to be put in place to restore balance to the system of needs, without which the only "loser" or a citizen with reduced mobility or pedestrians (some say that the pedestrian is a motorist who has just left car), adult or child.

WEIGHT TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT - The road, a place of balance we have said, where the public service is now configured as an element of "is" though "asked" by many citizens, who meet a certain cost ol ' only possibility of movement. And where instead of the public service will find dignity, strength and ability to attract people, so as to become too efficient alternative to the car, even for long-distance residential sprawl that has given us (bringing the city) .

WHERE / HOW: To strengthen the sense of transport local public action is needed then different organizational types of general and specific, the former involving checking the overall arrangement of the network in order to verify the incompatibility between public and private transport, by entrusting a functional reorganization of the mesh Street the task of identifying the best business solution of the network of public transport in relation to the spatial complexity, it comes to dealing with serious about planning and management system of the TPL as defined by law, in relation to land use and the organization of the urban road network, and should therefore face the drafting of the contract service to become involved in territorial needs rather than leave just business logic, but by respectable broker with the meaning of its public transport service, paid by the community as

But at the same time address issues of a more microscopic : accessibility to the service and the regularity of it which can be addressed immediately with a series of actions rather simple:

  • project acceptance of the stops: the action plan to make welcoming stops (shelters), accessible (elimination of stop in front of the legs and timely reconfiguration of pedestrian access), control lanes;
  • Infobus project: to complete the process started with the testing and extension to the whole network;

balance the relationship - The road as an element of value for urban centers, places of public attraction, out of necessity or for pleasure, where access to the service is easy but at the same time respecting the principles of health. We refer, for example, places the health and education, often forgotten by the devastating effects produced by urban traffic and air pollution such as noise, because the road is not only is complicit in our movements, but as mocking concentrate harmful effects, not least the risk of accidents, especially when high near places with high attractiveness of utilities weak .. And then rebalance the relationship between city and street in those places that symbolize the existence of the community, where you perceive the role that society has against the individual citizen.

WHERE / HOW: Two places for example: the hospital and away gold medals, the way of schools. The organization and the quality of the circulatory road system is not suited to the needs of accessibility, but also of "sensitivity environment "of those places. As for the hospital should strengthen the system of reception of the stop emphasizing the role of the car park via Oberdan, and this will happen by implementing a series of actions in partnership with the USL aimed at better "conversation" of the parking, possibly with increase in the hospital.

regard instead go gold medals, the way of schools, the effort of government to finalize the environmental rehabilitation of the road, especially in times of school activity in order to readjust the relationship is currently troubled by road function acquitted Users on the same street Golden. It should then undertake a process of involving children, parents and school boards in order to build a proposal to be submitted to the citizens to solve this problem evident. The laboratories of the district will be the site of confrontation / clash between proposals / needs / expectations / regulations and should include the role played by the street on a regional scale gold medals, which must be guaranteed by other means.

Not only that, we said the road as the arterial system of the community which brings wealth and economic systems, however, must offer not only the ability to move but also to stop. And then rebalance the parking system to make it equally accessible to the places of business offer.

WHERE / HOW: Two places for all who suffer the same problem: the village and Viale Liguria. The shortfall in supply of parking is evident in both areas "commercial" in Taranto and the way to balance the relationship can be identified by two complementary action lines: public car parks within its appropriate size to be realized through the instrument of Project Financing , car parks to reduce the overcrowding of the public road from the flooded residential parking and the rest of the audience. Management Plan for the rest able to govern the issue that is calibrated around the overall needs of the city system.

balance the relationship it means preparing for the new General Plan of Urban Traffic of Taranto, an instrument that will have to address in detail issues relating to the needs of urban mobility, not only in terms of fluidity of movement but also in terms of finding the best balance of the needs that are expressed on the street, with special attention to vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists) to be empowered to tackle the trails with the highest levels of security. This must be done from invariant infrastructural in the meantime are not without substance on the territory, however, identify any corrective actions aimed at small-denomination better compatibility of the overall solution. And from the start this season Urban Mobility Plan, an instrument that will provide the framework for the overall transport system to service a vast area of \u200b\u200bland and production of large-scale meshes.

Yes, because the road is now a euphemism, a figure of speech indicates that in this case, the complexity of the system consists not only asphalt, but also by water, iron and air. And this seems to be a strategic asset immediacy with which to move around: you will need to be tackled early, given the opportunities that are gradually building around two poles of interest supra (Port of Taranto Grottaglie Airport), the proper and balanced relationship between the transport systems available and the prospect of their integration for the establishment of a logistics platform of the most powerful in the Mediterranean and then the identification and resolution of specific problems that have so far stopped the implementation of the solutions for a long time, not least by-pass the State Massafra that let them connect to the motorway system no longer in awe of sorts, allowing the release currently suffered by the subjection of the town. This is the great value of the Goods economic potential that lies ahead as our region, the possibility of becoming wedged interchange with adequate supply of advanced logistics routes of globalization, so as to provide a significant return, even indirectly, to ' local economy by providing added value to the productive sectors that will inject new life into the territory. The transport system, therefore, as the lymphatic system for easy mobility and sustainable local products, and as an opportunity to revitalize the local economies on the ease of transit of goods benefit. Again If the partnership with the private system becomes important driver to support the actions required to achieve the strategic objectives.

and returning to the men's movement, wishing to remain in the multimodal dimension of precendete paragraph, to address another strategic issue no less important than the previous or the constitution of the urban transport hub of the city of Taranto: The new Porta Napoli . Once again facing the possibility of integrating strategic transport systems and also provide services to the city in support of actions to encourage tourism in the city and province. And then locate in the triangle between the port (s pier Eligio Cast passenger) railway station and the Stone Bridge location of existing and potential supply, iron and water in which to implement a program of "urban renewal" that would enable the area to contain a terminal service local public transport, a bus station, public parking, business services and accommodation so as to achieve the "logistics platform of people, easy to use, architecturally important and which contains all the functions modal interchange between systems, passenger services, not least the terminal of the civil airports of Bari and Brindisi, and why not Grottaglie, so as to approach the city \u200b\u200bto the air mode, now far away. And from here onwards with the actions of tariff unification, to facilitate exchanges between vehicles, action needed to reduce loss of time which usually beset us when we face the move, integrate the supply of parking, so promote exchanges between private and public, and why not begin to think about a mass rapid transport system linking the new port and the Naples train station to the city.

The principle of order and then re-balance but also to develop, operate on the balance not only the limitations but also by enhancing the offer. The money seems to be the only problem with this mirror, but I think this topic of primary importance may be overlooked for a moment to check the validity of the overall structure. The Regional Operational Plan shall contain any actions for the realization of some points (negotiation activity with the region that can not be left to the Commissioner) and also no one should exclude the value of individuals to be properly controlled with the aim of achieving common objective.

Fabio Cerino

How Bad Is It Living On Campus

Taranto Taranto for a new economic development

Project economics for

" The city we want,"

the provincial economy in general and of the Ionian city of Taranto in particular, in recent years an important turning point in motion. The crisis in the strict sense and in particular in the chemical and mechanical, that makes you feel its consequences not only in Italy but in all industrialized economies, the economy takes tarantina even more drama because of the significant weight that these activities play in of our manufacturing base.

Indeed, monoculture Steel has for at least three decades centralized most of the human and financial resources of the city, or relegated to marginal roles effectively "disappearing" other important traditional vocations of the territory and actually slowing down the development advanced tertiary sector.

In this we must not ignore the importance of the establishment of the steel plant, then Italsider, has played in the development of provincial income and the industrial culture of the area, but none the less you have to take note of the profound revolution that is sweeping international markets and laying the western economies facing a challenge comparable to the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century, and before which we can not introduce unprepared.

The "conversion" of economic development of the city of Taranto can pass through the focus of a number of key issues, priority and timing of implementation varied within which to identify the specific priorities to be determined depending on available funding and the state of existing infrastructure.

Conversion of the production of steel.

The current redefinition of the global market is the production time by highlighting a process of transferring production of heavy industry to the so-called developing countries , mainly because of lower labor cost and supply of raw materials.

Preservation of Taranto in the steel industry, like other Western countries must go through a retraining of the types of products to products with high technological content, such as special steels, magnetic steels, etc..

This process of regeneration can not fail to also provide for a reclassification of the current induced in the steel sector enterprises, in order to promote a system of high-tech firms that can make production lines and semi-manufactured goods competitive on domestic and international market of 'hi-tech .

Local regeneration.

The redevelopment of the area is of interest not only in terms of landscape and health, but also about the possibility of economic and social development of the city.

fact, without a careful policy of reform and eco-sustainable exploitation of land resources and water can not seriously think about reviving agriculture policies, especially as regards traditional products and quality, and mariculture and development of the tourism sector.

At the same time, the development of firms specializing in on-site urban upgrading and environmental technologies able to compete outside the local market could be a further opportunity for development for the area of \u200b\u200bTaranto.

Development of advanced services.

The increasing weight of the tertiary sector of data is a characteristic of advanced economies.

should however take into account that within the tertiary sector the prime mover in terms of capacity development of the economy is the so-called "advanced services", ie all those high-tech firms capable not only to provide the manufacturing base and a range of social services for immediate enjoyment, but also to produce know-how and patents that increase the "material wealth of the territory."

The possibility of developing a hi-tech industry as suggested above can not ignore the presence of an advanced tertiary sector sufficiently developed.

Development of a university ion.

The development of a university with two areas of excellence is a time of growth for the territory of Taranto.

one hand, the city of Taranto would strengthen its role as "attractive" not only by economic and administrative point of view but also from the cultural point of view.

other hand, in addition, the university would be a vital center for research for the development of advanced services and hi-tech industry , as well as strategies for planning and redevelopment planning.

The development of "non-profit .

Another sector capable of both economic and social development is the so-called non-profit sector or third sector.

In this area are part of standard business non-profit, whose main areas of intervention are the provision of personal services that are essential to support families, greatly improving the quality of life and also enabling people who normally can not enter the world of work, carried out within the productive fabric.

In this non-profit firms in the are further opportunities for developing the financial and human wealth of our country.

How To Make Raspberry Honey Mustard

Participation and active citizenship for a policy of peace and environmental protection

Peace, safety and environmental

From the city of silence to the town's participation

Some policy proposals for the city that we

Taranto is home to one of the most important military bases in the Mediterranean. Since 2002 it has become NATO base without which neither the Parliament nor the city have been informed. While the eyes of all the construction of new naval base in the Great Sea, but were given assurances about the status of the base as a national basis.

Instead it passed a decision on the head of the population that may involve the use of the sea to NATO naval units, unlike those of the Navy, are equipped with nuclear propulsion and nuclear weapons.

It thus becomes a priority to implementing Article 1 of the Municipal Statute which states: "Taranto is a city worker for peace, free from chemical, nuclear, biological."

In particular, it should execute the decision in which the City Council in 2000 ruled to start a negotiating table with the government after the discovery that Taranto was on the official list of ports at nuclear risk. This table, which included the participation of the associations involved tarantine against nuclear risk and environmental protection, has never been established.

the objective should be pursued, as was done for the base of La Maddalena in Sardinia, a away as much as possible from nuclear submarines and other weapons that could pose a risk to the marine environment and the safety of the population.

should be pursued in order to be fully informed of the Mayor, as the law requires, on the possible transit of naval nuclear propulsion, giving full effect to the legislative decree 230/95, which provides for the publication of nuclear plans.

In these circumstances and in presence of floors absolutely inadequate to protect the position, our position is - in collaboration with the Region of Puglia - request a moratorium on all transit dangerous.

The absence of information on military matters has been replicated in Taranto in the environment, so that our city has become the "city of silence" .

For example, the procedure for the LNG terminal has been started without any information of citizenship in violation of the Aarhus Convention (enforced by law 108/2001) and the Seveso 2 Law, standards which provides not only the dissemination of environmental information but the involvement of the public where there are public interests at stake for everyone: the environment and safety.

Therefore, the entire environmental impact assessment of the LNG terminal to be cleared and restarted on the right bases.

Our position on the LNG terminal from the fact that Taranto is legally defined as "the city at high risk of environmental crisis" and therefore it is impossible any further aggravation of the city with plants going in the direction that opposed the recommendations of ARPA expect an easing of the major industrial from nine industrial plants at risk of undergoing a major accident at Seveso law.

Taranto therefore not an appropriate site to host an LNG terminal , especially if placed near Ilva and Agip, as well as the draft of Gas Natural.

Our program provides for the application of the Aarhus Convention and the establishment of a ' Agenda 21 for the maximum involvement of civil society in environmental protection during the transition towards a safer city and encouraging a culture of environmental information.

From the city of silence the city of environmental information and sharing choices: this is the strategic direction towards which Taranto has to go.

currently in Taranto - from European estimates - there is 30% of all dioxin Italian and 9% of European dioxin. However, no monitoring program was initiated for this highly carcinogenic substance.

therefore aim will be to promote a dioxin monitoring in collaboration with other local authorities and research institutes in the area.

Currently the city has a network of detection of pollution from traffic is unable to capture adequately the ' industrial pollution and therefore should be a recognition of the pollutants in the vicinity of the industrial area with a mobile unit. A match between the detection GPS (Global Position System) unit via a mobile and monitored data can lead to more precise mapping of air pollution and homogeneous. To this end, it is important to detect an interaction between the City and environmental responsibilities of the province, bringing in Computerized Information System of the Province of pollution data and reaching environmental thematic maps and a database that contains the set of all historical data.

It 's very important to know the environmental data of the past for comparison and to this end the Act of agreement with Ilva be verified because there is no certificate of improving air quality and' environment after the agreements.

will be our commitment to find all the environmental data ARPA and to what was detected by the Presidium of Prevention Multi-zone and make them public, also using the Internet, as well as provides for the Aarhus Convention, working in an integrated manner with other local authorities.

will our duty to report responsibility of those who have or have not controlled pollutants or were complicit in environmental disasters perpetrated in the city. L ' increase of 100% of cancers in the last 30 years constitutes a real moral issue because without complicity and failure to control industrial pollution would not come to that.

The health emergency will require the ' application of all the powers of the mayor so that the whole industrial area returns to normal . In particular, action will be initiated to monitor the district Drums come to define with scientific rigor the extent and the source of environmental damage.

will also be provided to the population - as is required by law - information on security plans and emergency high-risk industries, launching a serious policy of disaster prevention and civil protection.

Even with regard to electromagnetic fields will be given to a wider population information about the electro, initiating audits in areas at risk, involving schools wishing to initiate projects for the measurement of electromagnetic waves near the antennas of mobile phone companies. The antennas map should not be kept in the drawers but will be made public by entering the data in the Computerized Information System of the Province, notice published in advance citizens of the requests to install new antennas. The City must set up an allocation plan antenna installations in regulating and limiting the most densely populated regions.

with the research institutions will be studied a special information system that sends real-time mobile data citizen detectable pollution and transferable by SMS. The principle of full sharing environmental information will be the basis of a new relationship between citizens and institutions, exploiting the full potential of wireless technology .

The "city of silence" will become the city information and participation, by empowering employees with a strict application of the law 626 security that provides a strict duty to provide information to workers on pollutants emitted , in particular those carcinogens.

The schools and universities should play a role in this framework, training of nationals and skills on which to create a healthier city, more controlled and more aware of their rights. A policy of supporting the active citizenship will conduct constituting forms of listening and constant consultation of civil society, the movement from informal groups, voluntary associations and training institutions to search, organizations of workers in unions.

A new social participation - based on right to information, control and motion - may be increased making full use of Internet and new technologies, especially wireless.

We believe that a new culture of participation can be an engine for development - including economic - increasing the skills and technological information that characterize the basic training of all citizens in so-called "information society" , in which citizens can participate with computer technology and public forum when compared to the choices of the city integrating delegated democracy and direct democracy. Today's technologies can play a role in a democratic and participatory strategy for e-democracy.

This "piece of program is thus closely related to our proposal of a 'new economy , based on the tertiary advanced the full use of all the skills of young Tarantino today via telematics, advanced could participate in projects without having to migrate away from their city .

The promotion of free software and free network sharing information, creating a wireless community town (via wi-fi hotspots as in other cities like Rome or Bologna) are key for gather intelligence in a city form of collective intelligence mail service to the city .

should be re-discovered their desire for participation and democracy in which political parties must be the virtue of modesty, of listening and passing the proxy blank.

The current dispersion of collective intelligence is one of the causes of the lack of identity and aggregation. Much of the city does not feel heard and valued. The dishonesty of certain policy has transformed the culture into a commodity to be exchanged under the table. skills were denigrated and marginalized by a certain policy that has created distrust and degradation, favoring "friends" and leaving the people and good projects out the door.

A new training, which starts from the habit to 'exercise of their rights - first the right of access to information - and to promote the full development of skills, is surely a factor in promoting economic well as aging civil town for the whole community.

A town passive, unmotivated and without enthusiasm, participation and even a city that has no confidence in his development project and could not commit to overcome the enormous difficulties of the present.

Alessandro Marescotti

a.marescotti @