Monday, November 6, 2006

Multivitamins Shortness Of Breath

Draft Programme for the urban green-

Subject: technical proposals for the proper management of "Green

DRAFT ENVIRONMENT PLAN for the "City that we want"

Dr. Agr. Francesco Pasculli

Manager Urban Green and Environment PdCI Taranto

Sec. Cosimo Latanza


" The Green Map - Regulation of Green", "Office Environment", "Maintenance by the former. socially useful workers - ex. Servizi SpA Taranto"

The urban vegetation, in addition to the unequaled beauty, social and landscape, may have a role in maintain air quality through various mechanisms that can take value greater or lesser extent depending on environmental conditions and the characteristics of the populations.

may in particular:

  • absorb pollutants such as ozone and nitrogen oxides;

  • trap dust;

  • significantly reduce the high summer temperatures and consequently reduce ozone is known to increase during the summer;

  • reduce emissions of hydrocarbons from cars parked by shading parking.

In fact, since the first EU funding of the OP 94/99 Plurifondo a measure was dedicated precisely to the "noise and environmental clean-up of the Big City." POP Puglia 1994/1999, 2nd three-year period and Measurement Environment 7.3, 7.3.8 Submeasure "clean-up and noise pollution of big cities," Regional Resolution No. 3898 of 30.06.1997, Gazette No.95 of 28.08.1997, funds with which they are made (bad!) Virgil's famous gardens.

The "Green Map" is the basic work necessary to carry out any studies or intervention in the field of conservation, urban planning, design, maintenance of urban green spaces and environmental education.

It is hoped the establishment of a "Office Environment" to coordinate all actions on the environment (too many people are municipalities with skills on the green and the environment: Department of Government of the Territory, Government Heritage, Ecology and Environmental Health, Public Works ...), the "Green Map" enables planning of urban green areas in addition to the quantitative aspects taking into account the qualitative evaluated in a strictly scientific.

A rational model of urban development and today "PUG" , should be planned considering the item no longer as green for "fill " Non-residential areas, but as actual infrastructure fully integrated into the plan development itself.

Hence the need also to draw up a "Rules of Green involving both the private and public green areas and giving those basic guidelines for proper protection, preservation and planning of urban green spaces, in close collaboration with the Environmental Associations be considered as a value added and not as an obstacle to the development of the territory.

Suitable would be the use of "ex. LSU." in numbers proportional to the surface of green areas in the individual constituencies, possibly using resident labor in those same neighborhoods where it should operate.

the same motivation to the industry resulting in improved quality of service provided.


Key to the development of the territory appears to be a rational policy on waste, they are of urban origin, and animal (livestock, poultry etc ....) and plant (waste from fruit and vegetable crops, wine, olive and maintenance of urban green spaces).

In fact, it expanded the collection to the organic fraction (over 50% of the total waste from urban sources) generated by households and businesses (restaurants, pizzerias, farmers markets etc ....).

methods, methodologies and current legislation on waste, cause the government to find new ways of disposing of them, taking into account not only the potential social benefits (improved environment) but, more importantly, the economic advantages, for example, anaerobic digestion plant and / or platforms for the composting .

The installation of such facilities allow:

  • to solve the problems of disposal of waste that is produced in the urban agro-industrial

  • to produce and sell clean electricity (Anaerobic Digestion ) ;

  • produce Compost and sell (Platforms for composting) .

LARGE INDUSTRY - Act of Intesa

Proposals for a proper use of public resources available are:

  • complete redevelopment of the neighborhood green drums starting from the adoption of proper and scientific management of urban green spaces and the creation of a true "Urban Forest" understood not simply as a range of relation between the factory and the neighborhood, but as green infrastructure that can carry out the winding up action to filter dust and pollution, with possible action cascade entire city;

  • adoption of forms subsidized public financing for the supply to all residents of the neighborhood filter against noise, dust and pollution;

  • removal of pollution sources and energy costs the district itself through the implementation of projects "EcoCase" and processing of drums in "Solar Neighborhood".

And for a civil relationship between ILVA Taranto and citizens, as well as the highest commitment to collaboration with local organizations, it is desirable and at the expense of the company:

  • complete redevelopment of the cemetery (now in a state of degradation) and subsequent routine maintenance

  • retreat of the establishment of perimeter barriers and creating a buffer zone;

  • redevelopment of existing green hills and the entire area surrounding the industrial area.


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