Sunday, November 26, 2006

Does Anyone Know The Name Of This Book?

Liviano: We will win the primaries and govern the city

"Ours is a clear proposal. We have avoided to wait for long periods of policy and we aim with force and coherence as a group of people who want to govern the city. We plan to do so by winning the primaries. "

So Hans Liviano - during a press conference Saturday morning to explain the next steps of his association - has made clear its intentions with respect to the future of political and administrative life of Taranto.

And, speaking of leading, he added that if there are, the experience of "The City that we will continue not to do and witness." It 's an idea that may arise and for which we are ready to commit. Meanwhile, we were the first to say clearly what we are putting together people with different cultures, locations, political experiences, different. The tactics and the aggravation of self we are seeing do not seem aimed at the need for change. Instead, we're trying to put together all the associations, because who is candidate for governor can not ignore the social and economic dimensions of the city. Without our proposal is unlikely that the center would have assumed the primary. We say this not to boast but to affirm the reality of things. "

Looking to the economic future of the city, Liviano concerned. Ilva - he said - is certainly an asset to the area but can not be for the next ten years the only opportunities for development. At several serious for the local economy is certainly represented by the expansion of the port to realize that he still wants a new president immediately. "Unfortunately, despite a city that mourns, in which many do not even know what to eat, we still think in terms of balance and divided among the parties. All this reflects the logic of the proper management of the common good but rather is mere self- and sharing of the charges ".

Our placement policy - continued Liviano - remains, despite some misunderstandings in the center, because this is the our culture. "The parties say that these are important and that their function is to be understood not as an end but as a tool. We are tired to continue to receive blows, as if we were schoolboys who have everything to learn, every time we say honestly what you think, leaving from the rites of the liturgy so out of politics. "
say no - he continued - the balance of the game to anyone who brings or agreements fake. The change in coalition at the helm of the city is essential but not sufficient. E 'need to change the culture of those who govern. We are bored to see how someone, but to safeguard the position of assessor, slowing its availability. "Let it be clear that these posts over
us do not go. "

Speaking of his program and how to draft, Liviano said it would reverse course so far followed:" enough with the culture of the delegation, which makes people uninformed citizens and forth across a phenomenon participation that makes people protagonist. "This is the background to the initiative, already underway, the" neighborhood workshops "which served to listen to the people. Now is the time with the" Forum of skills "to open the building of a city project that we shared and participated. "I - he concluded - I want to be an instrument of stitching all instances."

to illustrate the "Forum of powers" is Professor Vittorio Nicolardi operative who began by saying that the program will be considered as an overall project, which is concentrated in a few key points (also because the financial resources will be limited because of instability), leading in the medium term to achieve a rebirth is not only economic but also cultural center. In fact, if we care only for immediate needs - stated - we lose sight of the future projects. The ILVA example, if we look at what will be the evolution of the globalization process, may in the future very difficult to maintain current production levels. The city must then find new horizons for its development. Among them - argued Professor Nicolardi - are certainly ways of the sea and the port. The latter may, however, be mutilated by the construction of the regasification terminal, a problem that in addition to those of a purely environmental. If carried out in identified, the LNG terminal could turn into a bulkhead that prevents the port to develop and grow in the direction of the Multipurpose Pier. These are choices that can permanently affect the economic development of this city, according to Professor Nicolardi, serious planning is needed. The Forum - concluded - will be used to prepare a draft program that will be the result of listening to citizens and those with expertise in specific areas. The project subsequently become more complex with the help of a number of professionals active in all fields that identify the priorities to be followed to ensure a new development to the city. Finally spoke

John Guarino, who illustrated a number of new government initiatives that the association will carry out during December and January. These are fun activities, entertainment and theater. "This is because we - he said - express a joyful way of doing politics." The first of these will be a great game of goose called "The City of Gulf Felice, all focused on environmental issues, to be held December 2 in Piazza Maria Immacolata, and that To denounce the violent occupation of industrialization in the area. Subsequently, on December 17, will be proposed initiative animation toddlers called "The City of Children" and, on January 19, Piazza della Vittoria, a play focusing on the theme of ethical values. Guarino of the latter initiative has sought to clarify the meaning: "All are good to accept the different but this does not necessarily guarantee an award."

Taranto, 26.11.2006

The City Press who want


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