Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quotes From Movies Cigarrete

Thursday, 11/01/2007 Liviano meets the school and answer questions from listeners PrimaVeraRadio Popolare Network

Thursday, January 11, at 18:30 at the headquarters of "The City that we want" in Via Plinio 54 to Taranto, teachers and operators meet the school's candidate for mayor, Gianni Liviano.L 'initiative represents a first opportunity to reflect on issues of education and culture more generally that the association intends to initiate not only with employees in the sector but also with citizens to develop a program of city government that is widely shared. "The school, together with the University, - says Gianni Liviano - is certainly one of the pillars on which design and build the city we want. Taranto is that we educate young people. We share the passion today for tomorrow's Taranto, we are convinced that the school is an asset on which the city has to invest once again become more viable and competitive. Also Thursday, Jan. 11, at 1950, Gianni Liviano will be a guest in the studios of Primaveraradio People's Network, which broadcasts on 107.30 MHz, for the first episode of "The Barn", an autonomous space, during which answers questions from listeners. The number to dial to intervene directly and talk to Gianni is the Liviano 099.730.47.98
Taranto, 09.01.2006 - Press Office - The City that we want


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