Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soul Silver 100% English

"Mom I want to die!" "I'm not a slave to anything, why? Why was I born? All classmates tease me, nobody loves me mom!-Way repeated my Raffa, as he shook hands in the favor of the Communion of his companions, and I I would not be in my position, I would not be the one to answer dovergli. I reassured him by telling him that he would receive the sacrament as everyone else.'s hard to find In these cases, the right words, phrases in "Child." Regarding the attitude cronies instead of not listening I gave him, contradict him, partly because the teachers maintained that everything was fine. However, I realized that there was a strong discomfort, a sense of inadequacy and discomfort in him, so I decided to make contact with the team of Stella Maris, where he received the first diagnosis, and requested a new shelter for control problems, in preparation for the band I prepuberale.Il control was set tentatively for the end of August, and I accepted willingly, even at the cost of rental. Completed the fourth grade, my baby was promoted to the fifth, he would to be happy, however melancholy told me that he would rather be rejected. His mood was particularly dancer, sometimes Mutacita, other iperloquace, ranging from euphoria, to the exaltation of his own "I", the complete denial of it, the desire to not exist. We spent a happy summer. He attended summer camp with her brother, after which we left for camping, the sea. We had chosen a great place to put it mildly: Riva Trigoso, a beach resort a few miles from Genoa. The camping was wonderful, the trailer, equipped with every comfort. Meet new people, formed a fine company with whom we shared a pleasant evening with light-heartedness and fun. I was calm, relaxed, children playing or talking about with their new friends, under the watchful eyes and alert in all of us parents, we were in the building holiday. They were free, but at the same time never lost sight of. Luciano with his sunny disposition, made merry with us dancing in the evenings entertainment, and Raffa, he always felt very tired and asked to go to sleep. I do not ever tried to force, to compel him to do something she wanted, so I knew for sure that in a ten-day hospitalization in Pisa, in the right hands, would clarify the discrepancy. We returned home and a week later we were already moving. The journey of hope. "Small my love, "murmured the entrance of the highway," Hold on ... you'll see that we will succeed. "My heart was panting and twitching, while inspired in me and instilled courage." mom ... I make a withdrawal? - I asked-and I knew that there would have been just that.


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