Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Overactive Thyroid And Acne

My mother meanwhile was to visit the grandchildren only when James was at work, seeing the two of them had cut off all contact. Then with a thousand strategies, managed to draw closer and apologize to the son, who with due caution and the initial steps agreed to patch up relations with her. In those days I arrived the first proposals for collaboration. I agreed the most humble activity, and heavy and even humiliating. So I thought, at my age, after so many years of absence from my environment, who never would wanted to apply to me? To me that was not counted more than anything, I was not any more. When I checked all my hopes for an interesting job to do, called me to audition as a simultaneous translator. Stronger than my perfect English of my good French and German, as well as an excellent curriculum, much to my surprise I was hired for an indefinite period. Complete with a congratulatory handshake from the main part of my future. James was left shocked, stunned. My financial autonomy and frightened him with dismay. Of course now would be more difficult for him to crush his head like you do with a snake. A vigorous and strong character like mine would surely strengthened now and to keep him at bay would be a problem. But I still loved him, even though I told him no more in a long time, and I would do anything so my feelings were paid. He did not understand and never reacted by choosing a different path, and a bad day, "Enough!" shouted "Do not stand it anymore, now I'm leaving!" And while slamming the door he went on, James, my James, left so much pain and so cold in my heart.


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